
NSSA updates regulation on funeral grants and pensions – The Zimbabwe Mail

July Moyo

HARARE – From January 1, the National Social Security Administration (NSSA) funeral allowance has been set at US$200, payable in the equivalent of the Zimbabwean dollar, announced Minister of Public Service, Labor and Social Welfare July Moyo.

This adjustment was formalized under Statutory Instrument No. 99 of 2024, which updates the previous death benefit amount of ZD 26,880.

The funeral allowance is available to people who have paid contributions to the fund for at least 12 months or receive a disability pension or retirement pension.

The new regulations also limit the insured portion of wages to a maximum of $700. For people under 65 who are re-employed after receiving their pension, pension payments will be suspended for the period of re-employment and resume after retirement. Contributions made during additional employment will be treated as a separate claim.

Employees who have been contributing to the NSSA for less than 12 months will, on termination of their employment, receive an amount equal to their contributions plus interest at the bank’s prime rate.

Minister Moyo also introduced Statutory Instrument No. 100 of 2024 for the National Social Security Authority (Accident Prevention and Workers’ Compensation Scheme). This amendment states that from January 1, the Director-General of the NSSA may authorize the payment of US$200, converted into Zimbabwe dollars, to workers who die as a result of an accident or retirees receiving an occupational pension.

In addition, a widow’s or widower’s pension will be payable along with other benefits. If a person remarries and is widowed again, only the higher of the two pensions will be paid.

The new regulations also provide for disciplinary measures against employers who do not report accidents on time. Employers will have to pay a Tier 5 surcharge for each day beyond the notice period, up to 90 days. Continued failure to comply after 90 days may result in a fine, imprisonment for up to six months, or both.

Liability for accidents is limited to $5,000 unless a larger sum is deemed necessary by the NSSA Director General.