
How to use multiple audio outputs simultaneously in Windows 11

By default, Windows does not allow audio to play through multiple outputs at the same time. This can be inconvenient if you want to share the audio with others or listen to it simultaneously on different devices. Fortunately, there are workarounds and dedicated software to achieve this.

How to use multiple audio outputs simultaneously on a Windows computer

How to use multiple audio outputs simultaneously in Windows 11

To use multiple audio outputs simultaneously in Windows 11/10, do one of the following methods:

  1. Using a stereo mix and multiple playback devices
  2. Using Voicemeeter

Try both to understand what is best for you.

1) Using a stereo mix and multiple playback devices

This method involves turning on the Stereo Mix recording device and configuring it to send audio to multiple playback devices.

In short, Stereo Mix acts as a virtual microphone that listens to everything playing on your computer and sends it to multiple devices simultaneously.

  • open Windows settings (Win + I) and go to System > Sound.
  • Click More sound settings to open classic audio controls.

Open the Windows Classic Soundbar

  • Switch to Recording right click and select Show disabled devices.
  • To look for Stereo mix and turn it on.

Enable stereo sound in Windows

Set the default Windows audio device

  • Switch to Recording right-click Stereo Mix and select Real estate.
  • Switch to To listen and check the box Listen to this device.

Change your listening in the stereo mix

  • Choose yours additional audio output device (e.g. headphones) z Playback via this device drop.
  • Click Use AND APPROX in the Stereo Mix Properties and Sounds windows.
  • Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

2) Using Voicemeeter

Some desktop computers and laptops offer multiple audio output ports. While they can’t be configured directly in Windows, you can use Voicemeeter to choose where you want each sound to go. It’s like routing audio to different speakers, headphones, or recording software.

  • Download and install Voicemeeter from the official website.
  • Find multiple inputs and outputs representing connected audio devices.
  • Select the desired audio source for each input, e.g. stereo input 1 or stereo input 2

Voice meter input hardware output

  • Select the desired output devices for each hardware output.

Select output for Windows PC

  • Go to Playback tab and select Voice meter output as the default playback device.

Change the default input and output window

You can also adjust individual volume levels and apply effects to each output.


Although Windows does not directly support multiple audio outputs, these methods provide workarounds. Stereo Mix offers a basic solution, while Voicemeeter provides advanced control and flexibility. Choose the option that best suits your needs and preferences.

Which method is better, stereo mix or voice meter?

It depends on your needs. Although setting up Stereo Mix is ​​easy, there is no separate volume control for each device and it has limited functionality. On the contrary, Voicemeeter offers advanced features, separate volume control and powerful mixing options, but requires a learning curve.

To read: Bluetooth speaker volume control does not work in Windowsolume control.

Does my sound card need to support multiple audio outputs for this to work?

No, the methods discussed here do not directly depend on the capabilities of your sound card. They operate using audio routing control software. However, having a sound card with multiple physical outputs will allow you to connect more devices for simultaneous playback.