
Hackett: A ban on cell phones in schools is long overdue

“Scrolling Doom” may or may not be a phrase you know.

Pause for a moment if you’re reading this column on a phone or other device.

Take a moment to notice the surroundings around you.

How long have you been looking at this device? What first made you look at this device? Have you been on this all day? How much time do you think you will spend on this today or even on the weekend?

(To your dedicated print readers, thank you for your continued support. I’m sure many of you still have devices you use from time to time, so ask yourself the same questions)

As someone who spends about four hours a day on my phone (and it would probably be much more if I wasn’t on my computer all day at work), I constantly struggle with the questions above.

I constantly struggle with disconnecting from my device and being more present in the real world. I’m sure I’m not alone.

I am like many millennials who were born in a time when devices were not such a constant part of our lives. As a teenager I didn’t have a smartphone, I didn’t get a flip phone until high school so I could call my parents to tell them they were going to training or later, when I was driving alone, to tell them that I had reached my destination.

However, many millennials nowadays worry about leaving home without their phones. Many of us even place it face down on the table during meals or scroll endlessly while watching TV

All this means that devices have never played a bigger role in our lives than they do now, and we are forced to reckon with this connection in many different areas.

Perhaps the most important thing is that we are young. Schools around the world are trying to find ways to get students off their phones and engage them in a positive learning environment.

Many school districts, including several here in Alberta, are turning to outright bans.

A 2015 study in the UK found that banning mobile phones in schools improved the performance of 16-year-olds by 6 percent.

The Canadian organization Narrative Research released a poll earlier this year showing that almost 80 percent of Canadians support banning the use of personal devices in classrooms.

There is more data supporting the ban in schools.

The International Student Assessment Program, a global study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, assesses education systems by measuring the academic achievement of 15-year-old students in math, science and reading. The PISA study has uncovered a disturbing trend regarding devices in classrooms.

They found that on average across OECD countries, 45 percent of students reported feeling nervous or anxious if their phones were not nearby.

In terms of its impact on science, they found:

“On average across OECD countries, 65 percent of students reported being distracted by the use of digital devices in at least some mathematics lessons. This percentage exceeded 80 percent in Argentina, Brazil, Canada*, Chile, Finland, Latvia*, Mongolia, New Zealand, Zealand and Uruguay,” the report reads.

“Equally important, across the OECD, 59 percent of students reported that their attention was diverted because other students were using phones, tablets or laptops in at least some maths lessons. Interestingly, only 18 percent of students in Japan and 32 percent in Korea reported this level of distraction.”

Especially in schools, you can see how distracting this would be and how damaging it would be to the learning environment.

For those who don’t go to school, it’s detrimental to our relationships when we spend time scrolling, even in the presence of our loved ones or friends, only half-listening to what they’re saying. I’m as guilty as anyone of leaving my phone on the table when I go out with friends, even though there’s absolutely no need to do so.

It takes away from being present, but it’s also something that I, as a millennial, have become accustomed to without even realizing it. That’s why some streaming platforms are introducing what they call “second screen” shows. The idea is that we spend so much time on our devices that we can still catch up on the current program while scrolling on another device. It’s ridiculous, but ultimately it’s a result of consumer behavior.

If devices are so ingrained in our culture, how do we tell kids they can’t have them for eight hours a day? Children will quickly understand the hypocrisy of this ban. Some parents will also encourage their children to oppose such a ban, which will be another battle for teachers to try to create an ideal learning environment. In a situation of overcrowded classrooms and underfunded schools, the ban simply places more responsibility on those who are already struggling to engage students in learning they do not always consider valuable.

Experts almost unanimously agree that a blanket ban will benefit the school learning environment, but most are unsure what unintended consequences will result. Will we see an increase in student anxiety? Will absenteeism increase because students can’t stand eight hours without their phones?

“We all did it. It shouldn’t be this hard.”

This may be a common reaction among people my age and older. However, today’s children face a digital challenge that was not a reality when we were growing up. Distractions are more accessible than ever, at your fingertips 24/7. Any questions they have are answered on their device too, so why even bother listening to what the teacher has to say?

We need to develop a long-term strategy that helps children understand why a ban is necessary and in their best interests. This is a pivotal moment that will seriously disrupt their lives.

All data indicates that a ban is necessary to reverse the disturbing trend. Most Canadians support this.

The Government of Alberta is currently reviewing the results of an online survey that asked questions about a potential ban on phones in schools. This could be an opportunity for the UCP to implement policies that will truly benefit the next generation. It is clear that something needs to be done – all we can do is hope that policymakers, whether it be the provincial government or independent school districts, can strike the right balance and find a way to correct this disturbing trend .

Byron Hackett is editor-in-chief of the Red Deer Advocate and regional editor of Black Press Media.