
Why companies are moving to DaaS to manage technology lifecycles

An increasing number of organizations are moving to Device-as-a-Service (DaaS) for their IT needs, handing control of the product lifecycle to their technology providers. According to Fortune Business Insights research, the DaaS market is expected to grow from $27.62 billion in 2023 to over $226 billion in 2032.1and it’s easy to see why.

Device-as-a-Service models include managed services and IT hardware on a paid subscription basis. DaaS brings many operational, economic and sustainability benefits. These include predictable budgeting and scalability, access to the latest and most efficient devices, a reliable support infrastructure, seamless device management, and responsible recycling or refurbishment when devices reach the end of their life.

In a recent IDC InfoBrief study, sponsored by Lenovo, found that service-as-a-service models enable organizations to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs and can help organizations achieve sustainability goals. Continuous monitoring, built-in lifecycle services and safe disposal can reduce the risk of financial and regulatory penalties and provide a better employee experience.

More effective management of technology life cycles

Have you ever wondered what will happen to all the old devices you no longer need when your company modernizes its technology stack?

Disposing of unwanted laptops, desktops and other devices can be a serious problem, and according to an IDC survey, 43% of organizations2 lacks tools to manage circularity in its operations. You’re not alone on this journey – by leveraging solutions like Lenovo’s TruScale DaaS, you can more effectively manage technology lifecycles.

Our TruScale DaaS solution helps eliminate overprovisioning and optimizes both resources and costs. It is typically delivered in a convenient, predictable subscription model and is a particularly effective way to manage the coverage of end-user devices without disrupting the life of your business.

You can rest easy knowing that devices are reused through initiatives like Lenovo Certified Refurbished or recycled responsibly, contributing to a circular economy.

Supporting greater scalability

Because you effectively lease the hardware you need, when you need it, DaaS solutions are much more effective when it comes to scalability. You can scale up easily and quickly when business is growing well, or scale back as necessary, in ways that are simply not possible with your existing technology stack.

Not only does this mean your employees always have access to the latest and most energy-efficient devices, but it also helps reduce over-allocation of resources during times of resource constraints.

Communicating operational challenges

DaaS also allows you to transfer operational challenges from your own IT team to the technology provider. This can make a huge difference to your organization. With a DaaS solution like Lenovo TruScale, your business can get up and running quickly with new devices configured and ready to go.

By having your technology provider handle technology configuration, deployment, and maintenance throughout the lifecycle of your technology stack, your IT team can instead focus on business-critical tasks, focusing on what they do best to drive growth your organization.

Enabling investment in other areas of the organization

Using a monthly subscription model to fund your tech stack also has benefits in other areas, namely freeing up capital expenditure that can be reinvested back into the business. You can even use the money you save to invest in additional sustainability initiatives, which will further benefit your business and society as a whole by helping your company achieve its sustainability goals.

A monthly DaaS subscription can also be beneficial in managing your budget. Device-as-a-Service can reduce the burden of IT infrastructure ownership and reduce the risk of legacy hardware failure when you need it most – simple and predictable pay-as-you-go solutions that help optimize IT budgets.

A step towards achieving your sustainability goals

Switching to DaaS solutions can be a useful step in the right direction. As IDC InfoBrief points out, “business leaders have found that as-a-service models improve cost metrics, reduce complexity, and offer end-of-life decommissioning,” which can make a big difference when it comes to meeting IT sustainability goals.