
Government proposes allocation of Tk 804.98 billion for communication sector in budget 2024-25

The government has proposed to allocate Tk 804.98 billion for the communications sector, which includes roads, bridges, railways, sea and air routes, in the 2024-25 budget, which is Tk 46.93 billion less than the previous year.

Tk. 851.91 billion has been allocated for the sector in the financial year 2023-24.

Finance Minister AH Mahmood Ali proposed such a division on Thursday while tabling the state budget for debate in the national parliament.

While preparing the budget, the minister said that as part of the construction of the communication network, 1,439 bridges on various highways were built or reconstructed.

Thanks to this, the well-developed highway infrastructure, currently covering 22,476 km throughout the country, ensures smooth and uninterrupted transport of goods and passengers.

Various completed and ongoing projects have upgraded 851.62 km of national roads to four-lane or more.