
Qualitas Energy takes over a German wind energy project

Qualitas Energy, a global investment, management and project development platform focused on renewable energy, energy transition and sustainable infrastructure investments, announced the successful acquisition of a 36 MW repowering project in Brandenburg, Germany.

The park equipped with Enercon wind turbines has been operating since 1999. Qualitas Energy is currently planning to replace the existing turbines with five modern ones, so the investment is already at an advanced planning stage. As a result, in the future, more than 24,000 households will be powered by environmentally friendly wind energy.

“Our goal is to implement sustainable projects that not only provide clean energy, but also gain the trust and support of the local community. By actively engaging communities in the planning process, we are creating a strong foundation for long-term, successful wind energy projects that offer economic and environmental benefits to the region,” said Borja Caruana, Managing Director of Qualitas Energy Deutschland GmbH.

“The energy transition has no time to wait and we are committed to working with local communities to play our part in ensuring a clean and independent energy supply quickly and effectively for the benefit of future generations. We will continue to make significant investments in the German wind energy market and expand our wind development pipeline to a total capacity of 6 GW,” added Johannes Overbeck, Chief Investment Officer at Qualitas Energy Deutschland GmbH.

Qualitas Energy closed its fifth flagship fund, Qualitas Energy V, at €2.4 billion, becoming one of the largest renewable energy funds in the world. At the same time, the company is aware of the great need for green investments to accelerate the energy transition in Germany and will invest approximately 50% of the total fund volume in the acquisition and development of repowering and greenfield projects in Germany. This will strengthen Qualitas Energy’s position as a solution-oriented and partner-based accelerator of the energy transition in Germany.

More news and technical articles from the global renewable energy industry can be found in the latest issue of Energy Global magazine.

Energy Global Summer 2024 issue

The Summer 2024 issue of Energy Global begins with a guest commentary from Terrawatt on streamlining the permitting process in Italy, and then moves on to a regional report from Frost & Sullivan on the energy landscape in the Asia-Pacific region. This issue covers key topics such as wind installation vessels, offshore wind turbine foundations, weather analysis, solar installation maintenance, and much more!

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