
Just green transition and decarbonization in Serbia

Storms, droughts, floods and other extreme weather phenomena are consequences of climate change. They cause damage and losses to the population worth billions of dollars, especially affecting vulnerable social groups. The solution to climate stabilization is the full decarbonization of energy systems and the economy. This process should result in the best results in meeting the needs of all people.

The project identified and supported innovative initiatives to decarbonize the economy and industry across Serbia in the sectors most affected by the transition to a low-carbon economy, while ensuring minimization of job losses during the ecological transition and ensuring economic security for people living in areas of the country dependent on these sectors .

As part of the call for participation in the Innovation Challenge program, the project co-financed 8 projects that contribute to Serbia’s NDC target of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with an amount of USD 600,000 (approximately 6% of the total investment value) and mobilized additional investments approximately USD 10 million for these projects from the corporate sector.

The implemented solutions reduced environmental pollution, encouraged the development of alternatives to the coal industry and supported the retraining of employees most affected by the green transformation for green jobs needed in the modern labor market.

The project has stimulated more investment in Serbia’s green transformation, motivating other companies to follow its approach. The project contributed to making the Serbian economy not only more competitive, but also fair and socially responsible.

The project was implemented from March 2022 to March 2023 in cooperation with the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia with financial support from the Government of Japan in the amount of USD 1 million.

Project goal

Contribute to Serbia’s 2030 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets of 33.3% compared to 1990 levels.

Focus on the project

  • Facilitate a broad consultation process and comprehensive dialogues with all relevant stakeholders for the strategic planning and implementation of the Just Green Transition, resulting in an appropriate socio-economic analysis, conclusions and action plan for a Just Green Transition

  • Supporting specific investments in green technology projects and innovative business models

Project results

The project helped identify and leverage technologies and innovative business models in sectors most affected by decarbonization, while ensuring that they incorporate just transition principles.

  • The project also incorporated the perspectives of all stakeholders affected by the green transition at national, local and corporate levels, resulting in policy recommendations on specific steps to best support the transition process, along with impact assessments for specific communities and regions affected. are increased climate ambition. In the first year of implementation of 8 supported projects, emissions were reduced by 12,563 t/CO2 with the prospect of achieving a cumulative level of 230,147.82 t/CO2e within a 20-year horizon.

  • 7.8 MW of renewable energy was installed.

  • 25 new green jobs were created in maintaining solar power plants, managing organic waste, maintaining the composting machine area, and researching zero CO emissions2 internal combustion engine (ICE) emissions, software and Blockchain development.

  • 38 representatives of public and private companies trained as part of the Accelerator for decarbonization and just transformation.

  • 15 representatives of business and institutional stakeholders trained in the KAIZEN management methodology.

  • 110 beneficiaries (employees, representatives of particularly vulnerable groups, etc.) trained for new job positions.