
New data from Anza shows that solar module prices are rising after years of record low prices

The report sheds light on the cost landscape and its intersection with market forces and regulatory changes. This quarter’s report highlights the first price increase in years by some suppliers in response to the latest antidumping and countervailing duty (AD/CVD) petition and the reinstatement of bilateral import duties.

“After years of record low prices, we see the market starting to rebound as domestic producers face less price pressure from foreign producers subject to tariffs,” said Mike Hall, Anza CEO. “We expect this upward trend in prices to continue, so it is critical for new projects to consider current prices and the potential impact of tariffs when sourcing materials.”

The quarterly Anza Pricing Insights report was created to provide developers, IPPs, EPCs, utilities and investors with better and faster access to data to optimize purchasing decisions that impact the long-term value of a project. The report highlights current trends in the solar module market driven by data that has traditionally been siled or difficult to access, including the impact of competition, changing costs in solar cell technology, and the impact of government incentive programs and international tariffs. For buyers looking to learn about federal import regulations, Anza data provides critical context that helps buyers secure the best deals and make informed purchasing decisions.

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