
“It will be harmful to the health of society.”

Kansas’ new policy loosens rules for reporting pollutant spills – at the expense of the environment.

What’s going on?

Kansas just changed its rules for reporting pollutant spills. According to NPR, small spills no longer have to be reported to state environmental regulators.

Previously, companies had to alert the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) of spills of any size. However, under the new policy, only leaks above certain thresholds require reporting.

For example, oil spills of less than 25 gallons or liquid fertilizer spills of less than 100 gallons can now pass unnoticed unless they impact state waters or occur repeatedly.

Why is this new rule harmful?

While KDHE says this brings Kansas into line with federal standards and regulations in neighboring states, some residents fear it puts industry ahead of the well-being of the community.

“What they did is best for the corporation, not the best for the community,” one neighborhood leader told NPR in Wichita, where many people recently learned they live above a 4.5-mile plume of contaminated groundwater.

“This will be detrimental to the health of the community,” they added.

Even if small spills go unreported, companies are still technically obligated to clean them up. But without oversight, experts say the pursuit of profits can trump environmental cleanup.

The change is due to a 2021 state law that directs KDHE to establish minimum reporting levels. Agricultural industry groups that later provided input on specific thresholds supported the legislation as reducing “confusion” and over-reporting of low-risk spills.

What is being done to reverse this principle?

KDHE expects the new regulations to reduce leak reports by 10-25%. But those frustrated by the policy change want to make sure any leaks are addressed and not swept under the rug.

Make your voice heard by contacting your state legislators. Share your views on putting industry interests ahead of public transparency and environmental safety.

Support community groups working to hold polluters accountable and provide neighborhoods with the cleanup help they need. Donate, volunteer or spread the word to raise awareness.

Most importantly, keep an eye on your local environment. Have you noticed any suspicious substances in the soil or waterways? Don’t hesitate and alert the authorities. Your vigilance can help catch unreported leaks that threaten the health of your community.

Together we can demand that decision-makers put people and the planet ahead of the comfort of polluters. Small leaks can mean big problems — and Kansas residents deserve to know what’s happening in their own backyards.

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