
CIP announces Greengate Biogas partnership in Ireland

Greengate Biogas combines CI ABF I’s expertise in developing large-scale biomethane plants across Europe with the local development team’s expertise in bioenergy and agricultural practices in Ireland.

Once fully operational, Greengate Biogas will produce almost 1.8 TWh of biomethane per year across a number of projects, representing approximately 3.5% of Ireland’s current natural gas demand and 30% of Ireland’s 2030 biomethane target set out in the recently published Biomethane Strategy. biomethane. This equates to enough gas to heat over 160,000 Irish homes or meet 20% of Ireland’s industrial gas demand1. The projects will inject biomethane into the grid and recirculate organic fertilizers to farmers, contributing to Ireland’s circular economy and green transition.

The dominant raw material will be manure, which will be obtained in close cooperation with over 2,000 cattle breeders throughout the country. By implementing anaerobic digestion to better manage fertilizer, Greengate Biogas will also help reduce emissions from the agricultural sector and address nitrate challenges.

Andreas F. Brandt, partner at CIP, says of the new partnership: “We are excited to enter the Irish bioenergy industry with Greengate Biogas, which will make a significant contribution to the ecological transition, as well as create local jobs and investment across the agricultural and agricultural sector. rural economy. Ireland is a key market for CIP and, in addition to our existing interests in offshore wind and solar, we are looking forward to the development of biogas, which will make a significant contribution to renewable energy production, CO2 emission reductions and water quality management. “

1) Irish government data