
Artificial intelligence regulation in the UK: Will the next government introduce AI regulation? | Global law firm

The approach to regulating AI under the current government

The current government’s approach to AI regulation is based on non-binding, cross-sector principles. They were to be enforced by sectoral and cross-sectoral regulators using their legislative powers. There were no immediate plans to introduce AI regulations.

Indications for a possible AI policy under the future government – ​​legislation for the most powerful AI models?

Both the current Conservative government and the Labor shadow cabinet have shown some support for legislation imposing obligations on the most powerful artificial intelligence models.

The current government confirmed in its response to the February white paper that binding measures on “high-performance general-purpose artificial intelligence” are likely to be necessary in the future. There would be no “rush to regulate” at this stage because “introducing binding measures too quickly, even if highly targeted, could fail to effectively address risks, quickly become outdated or stifle innovation.”

However, the Financial Times has since reported that the government has begun drafting rules to impose obligations on the most sophisticated models, although the scope and publication date of the proposed rules were uncertain.

Regarding Labour’s position, MLex reported that Bill Esterton, the shadow roads minister, recently commented that Labor wanted to pass regulations “for a small group of companies developing the most powerful artificial intelligence models.”

Indeed, the cross-party House of Commons Science, Innovation and Technology Committee took the position in its final report of the last parliamentary session that “the future government should be ready to introduce new AI legislation if a regulatory-led approach, existing legislation and voluntary commitments from leading developers prove insufficient to address the current and potential future harms associated with this technology.

External Government Proposals – Private Member’s Bill, Lord Holmes

A Private Member’s Artificial Intelligence (Regulation) Bill, which began in the House of Lords, reached the House of Commons before the suspension of Parliament. However, since the bill has not been passed by the time the parliament is dissolved, work on it will not continue.

Lord Chris Holmes, who introduced the bill, said he intended to table it again in the next parliamentary session.

Likely areas of continuity – regulators will continue to play a key role

Regulators will continue to play a key role in enforcing regulations and providing guidance, regardless of the policy direction the next government chooses. The members of the Digital Regulatory Collaboration Forum – the Competition and Markets Authority, the Financial Conduct Authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office and Ofcom – are likely to continue to play a leading role, with other sectoral and cross-sector regulators making influential contributions through their competences. Recent updates from regulators on their strategic approach to AI will likely continue to inform organizations whether and when we see AI regulation developed by the next government.