
Training towards cleaner energy | ATD

NTPC Limited: BEST 2024 Winner, No. 3

Standing: Ananda Srinivas Vaka, Deputy Director General, Institute of Energy Management;  Abhinav Jindal, Deputy CEO, PMI;  Surenthiran Narayanasamy, Deputy CEO, HR Headquarters: Rachana Singh Bhal, Director & CEO, PMI

The transformation of this tool is achieved thanks to the support of the talent development function.


As a utility company with an ambitious target of having a renewable energy portfolio of over 50% by 2032, NTPC Limited is on track for major change. The company’s goal is to make energy more accessible, affordable and reliable by switching to cleaner and renewable energy sources. “The variable integration of renewable energy into the grid has created opportunities for forward-looking solutions in ancillary services such as battery energy storage, efficient ramping and scaling down of unit capacity, and more,” explains Surenthiran Narayanasamy, deputy general manager, HR.

To achieve its goal, NTPC – headquartered in New Delhi, India and employing 16,500 people – is implementing both backward and forward energy integration with coal mining and energy trading, and is exploring renewable energy, waste-to-energy and green solutions. hydrogen. Over the next eight years, the company plans to add 60 gigawatts of renewable energy to its portfolio.

The talent development team supports the transformation towards renewable energy by carrying out necessary tasks to ensure appropriate employee training. Last year, the team established extensive training and education partnerships to engage more than 2,200 participants in 82 programs to align staff with global net zero greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.

Specialist skills training

As part of this effort, TD has created training and certification programs in new areas. “Our organization strategically responds to organizational needs by focusing on improving functional competencies for current and future roles,” explains Narayanasamy. “Taking into account dynamic business requirements, L&D initiatives in cooperation with the L&D Institute are adapted to new technologies and financial domains.”

Certification programs cover key areas such as renewable energy, solar, wind, energy storage, green hydrogen and financial modeling. “Through rigorous training, over 800 employees have been equipped with these specialized skills and certifications, paving the way for targeted assignments that leverage their newly acquired expertise,” states Narayanasamy.

Future projects

All of these future-oriented initiatives are part of the company’s “Grow Your Own Wood” philosophy to expand the knowledge base and capabilities of employees. TD leverages focused, needs-based learning and continuous improvement of future technologies. “The organization is strengthening its staff by tailoring training courses for operations and maintenance executives, with a focus on technical and safety modules relevant to their positions and locations,” says Narayanasamy.

A comprehensive leadership framework for workforce development and succession planning enables top performers to lead specialized leadership programs such as the 10X Leadership Program and the Samarth Program. This latest initiative facilitates role transitions and helps employees advance in their careers.

In a nod to emerging technologies that will be critical to employee understanding and integration of renewable energies in the near future, the TD team has developed several digital curricula and future skills development sessions. Emerging courses cover topics such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, Internet of Things, blockchain and cybersecurity. More than 300 managers completed courses in artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, ultimately obtaining certificates.

Performance management improvements

In many of its educational initiatives, the TD team uses cutting-edge technologies such as simulators and virtual reality to provide immersive learning experiences. “This approach not only addresses specific skill gaps, but also integrates seamlessly into everyday work,” explains Narayanasamy. The team improved the performance management system, emphasizing continuous assessment and real-time feedback and encouraging meaningful conversations about performance. “This ensures that our employees are not only skilled, but also constantly developing to meet dynamic challenges,” adds Narayanasamy.

The performance management system underwent significant changes last year with the introduction of weekly planning; self-esteem; and monthly assessments by department leaders that provide real-time performance feedback. In particular, the weekly planning function played a key role in aligning employee performance goals with organizational goals. According to Narayanasamy, this innovative methodology ensures continuous and objective evaluation, supporting a culture of flexibility and accountability within the company. The TD team also launched a mobile app for the weekly planner to increase accessibility for mobile workers.

In terms of introducing assessments, the ‘key result area catalogue’ allows for uniform assessment across all functions. Additionally, the results of a third-party “competency/potential/value assessment” assist in promotion decisions and also reveal competencies on which training program content should focus to aid employee development.

Workforce planning

Overall, NTPC takes a holistic approach to TD, recognizing that “individual performance depends not only on competency, but also on motivation and job design,” explains Narayanasamy. The TD department recently implemented a competency-based workforce planning system that acts as a dynamic repository. The system enables data-driven decisions regarding key HR functions, including recruitment, succession planning, job rotation, transfers, promotions and learning and development.

Thanks to the implementation of the internal labor market portal, “we effectively identify and develop individual strengths, matching them to organizational requirements,” notes Narayanasamy. “This strategic approach highlights the importance of building organizational capacity through targeted learning opportunities and aligning individual aspirations with collective performance goals, thereby ensuring a comprehensive talent management strategy.”

The TD function faced the challenge of dealing with the recent wave of retirements, which required the rapid training of a significant influx of new staff and lateral moves. The team implemented a robust onboarding process that included a one-year executive internship program for 655 recruits in 2022 and 750 recruits in 2023, as well as a tailored orientation program for 267 casual and 390 fixed-term employees.

According to Narayanasamy, this approach ensured participants were integrated seamlessly and ready to perform their roles. It further states that “internal promotions and job changes were supported through two weeks of Samarth training, which benefited 474 COOs and executives, through job rotation facilities and standardized (training) modules.”

Together, these innovative initiatives reflect NTPC’s commitment to “remaining at the forefront of talent management, fostering a culture of continuous learning and ensuring the organization’s future-proofing,” adds Narayanasamy.

See the entire list of BEST Award 2024 winners.