
12 iOS 18 settings you need to change

iOS 18 Settings

Apple’s iOS 18 introduces a slew of new settings designed to improve your iPhone experience. These updates cover various aspects of the device, including battery management, accessibility features, camera options, and password security improvements. We have an amazing video from iReviews that shows you a number of iPhone settings you need to change to get the most out of your iPhone. To get the most out of your iPhone with iOS 18, consider adjusting the following 12 settings:

Battery management

  • Configurable fee limit: iOS 18 introduced a customizable charge limit feature that allows you to set your iPhone to stop charging at a specific percentage, ranging from 80% to 100%. This feature is designed to extend battery life by preventing overcharging, which can reduce battery capacity over time. To enable this setting, go to Settings > Battery > Battery status and charging.

Accessibility features

iOS 18 introduces several accessibility feature improvements that make iPhones more integrated and friendly to people with different needs.

  • Siri interrupts: You can now interrupt Siri by simply saying your trigger word, so you can quickly get Siri’s attention without waiting for her to finish speaking. Enable this feature by going to Settings > Siri & Search > Listen to “Hey Siri.”
  • Speech recognition improvements: Siri speech recognition has been improved to better understand unusual speech patterns, making the virtual assistant more accessible to users with speech impairments. Activate this feature in Settings > Accessibility > Siri.
  • Sound activities: Sound actions allow you to perform specific tasks using predefined sounds. For example, you can set a sound to launch a specific app or feature, providing an alternative way to interact with your device. This feature is located under Settings > Accessibility > Sound Actions.
  • Automatic animations in iMessage: iOS 18 introduces automatic animations in iMessage, bringing life to your conversations. These animations can be turned on or off in Settings > Messages > Automatic animationsgiving you control over the visual elements in the messaging process.
  • Entering the cursor: Hover typing is a new feature that allows you to type by hovering your finger over the keyboard, which may be especially useful for users with mobility impairments. Customize this feature in Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Type on hover according to your preferences.
  • Vocal shortcuts: Voice shortcuts let you perform actions using voice commands, giving you hands-free interaction with your iPhone. Configure this feature in Settings > Accessibility > Voice Control > Customize Commands.

Camera options

iOS 18 introduces new camera settings that give you more control over your audio recording options:

  • Stereo and mono recording: You now have the option to record audio in stereo or mono, depending on your recording needs. Adjust this setting by going to Settings > Camera > Record audio.
  • Playing audio while recording video: iOS 18 allows you to play audio while recording video, making it easy to capture moments without interrupting your music or podcast. Enable this feature in Settings > Camera > Audio playback.

Password security

iOS 18 introduces two significant improvements to password security:

  • Strong password suggestions: When you create new accounts, iOS 18 offers strong password suggestions to help you maintain solid security in your online profiles. Find this option in Settings > Passwords > Password autofill.
  • Password leak detection: The system now detects leakage and notifies you if any of your saved passwords have been leaked, increasing your online security by prompting you to change compromised passwords. Enable this feature in Settings > Passwords > Security recommendations.

By exploring and tweaking these 12 settings in iOS 18, you can tailor your iPhone experience to your specific needs and preferences. From extending battery life and improving accessibility, to improving camera functionality and increasing password security, these updates deliver a more efficient, secure and personalized experience. Take some time to familiarize yourself with these settings and make any necessary changes to get the most out of your iPhone with iOS 18.

Source and image source: iReviews

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