
Governor Lamont and Lt. Gov. Bysiewicz Statements on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision striking down the federal ban on bump stocks.

Press releases

Governor Ned Lamont


Governor Lamont and Lt. Gov. Bysiewicz Statements on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision Overturning the Federal Ban on Bump Stock Sales

(HARTFORD, Conn.) – Governor Ned Lamont and Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz released the following statements in response to today’s 6-3 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case Garland v. Cargill, repealing a federal rule issued by the Trump administration banning bump stock devices. The devices increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic weapons to that of automatic weapons.

“This is a terrible decision by the United States Supreme Court, and that is why we need Congress to pass strong federal laws to prevent gun violence, including mass shootings,” he added. Governor Lamont said. “Larger stockpiles essentially transform firearms into automatic weapons for the sole purpose of killing people en masse. These devices are not intended for civilian or self-defense purposes. I want to make clear that Connecticut still has a law prohibiting the sale, purchase, possession, or manufacture of bump devices in our state, and today’s ruling does not impact that. But while we have strong laws in our state, today’s ruling returns us to a patchwork of state-by-state laws when what we really need is federal action to prevent gun violence.”

“While this decision may not affect state law, it undoes one of the few actions the federal government has taken to combat gun violence,” he added. – said 2nd Lt. Governor Bysiewicz. “Too many lives have been lost to senseless gun violence, and yet gun manufacturers take steps every day to bring their weapons into line with court rulings and existing loopholes in state laws – and, tragically, make their weapons even more lethal. As the survivors of Sandy Hook Elementary School have just graduated from high school, it is imperative for our nation to stop this epidemic. Gun violence is a public health crisis that requires us to act and fight with all our might. Governor Lamont and I stand by the belief that one incident of gun violence is too many, and we will continue to ensure that Connecticut leads the way in passing comprehensive, commonsense gun safety legislation. We call on Congress to join us in this effort.”

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