
Innovative governance for a just energy transition: strengthening public policies for private sector participation

This policy brief, Innovative Governance for a Just Energy Transition: Strengthening Public Policies for Private Sector Participation, discusses the key role of the private sector in achieving a sustainable and just energy transition. It explores how effective, inclusive and accountable governance can strengthen private sector engagement, ensuring a transformation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and promotes social and economic equality.

The document provides comprehensive policy insights and practical examples to empower the private sector in the energy transition through a dual strategy: direct public policy actions encouraging private sector participation and supporting governance structures to strengthen partnerships with the private sector and other stakeholders.

This publication presents a roadmap for policymakers to create an ecosystem of active private sector participation that drives technological progress, economic growth and job creation. By supporting a collaborative and inclusive approach, it aims to ensure the benefits of the energy transition are broadly shared, paving the way for a resilient, sustainable and equitable future.