
Employees Caught Using ‘Mouse Sliders’ to Fake Productivity

Article about employees caught carrying mice

The pandemic has emerged a new type of employee and new methods of pretending to work. Some workers were caught and immediately fired after trying to trick their bosses into thinking they were working by using “mouse movements”.

Fighting to keep your distance

‘Wiggle mouse’ technology works by subtly moving the cursor on your computer screen, thereby creating the illusion that you are actively using your computer, even if you are not. This can be done using devices and applications.

This scam is not new, but it creates a new problem. Managers and team leaders to rethink their strategies and find new ways to accurately measure productivity in the era of remote work.

With the pandemic under control, some employees remain remote, sometimes to the chagrin of their managers at work. They would rather have people fill the expensive office buildings that have been built, while workers would be happy in their living rooms, with more freedom and less time spent commuting.

Sometimes events cause you to miss some time at work and you don’t want your boss to know about it because it gives him a reason to send you back to work in the office. Sneaky employees use mouse movements to make it appear that they are still working hard.

Caught in (in)action

More than a dozen Wells Fargo employees were fired for this very behavior. Disclosures were submitted to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority showing that these employees were dismissed after an investigation found they were using a mouse to give the impression they were actively working.

It was not established whether these employees were remote and working from home or whether they were faking their productivity while sitting at their desks in the office building. What is known is that they used devices and applications to move the mouse.

The type of investigation is also unknown. Some bosses use device monitoring software to see what employees are doing. This may be similar to parental controls on your child’s device. These tools can be used both in the office and remotely, and some can determine whether you are using a mouse movement tool.

As the work landscape appears to have changed forever post-pandemic, both companies and employees will have to face new challenges and strike a balance between productivity, privacy and trust. If you’re having trouble returning to the office, check out these remote job search sites and online tools to help you collaborate with your team remotely.

Image source: Unsplash

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Laura Tucker

Laura has spent over 20 years writing news, reviews and columns, with most of those years also serving as an editor. She has used only Apple products for the last 35 years. In addition to writing and editing at MTE, he also runs the site’s sponsored reviews program.