
BCC announces a mini-manifesto for the protection of public health

The British Cleaning Council (BCC) has published a mini manifesto setting out the cleaning, hygiene and waste industry’s priorities to help create a resilient UK, and the areas where it is looking to support the next government to achieve this.

BCC says it is ready to work with the new government to ensure that cleanliness and hygiene policies, laws and regulations are specifically focused on preparing to protect public health both before and in the event of another pandemic, adding that it is calling on all political parties to adopt and support a mini-manifesto aimed at protecting the health and wealth of the nation.

The key points are:

  • Urgently establish a joint government/cleaning, hygiene and waste industry preparedness team to plan for public health emergencies.
  • Agreement between government and industry on minimum levels of cleaning materials, equipment and PPE that should be held in reserve and capable of being rapidly produced in an emergency.
  • In the event of another pandemic, key worker status must be granted to cleaning workers and workers involved in the supply and production of cleaning products.
  • Urgent consideration should be given to qualifying cleaning staff for the Skilled Worker Visa Scheme.
  • Minimum standards need to be agreed for the provision of cleaning and hygiene infrastructure across a wide range of key sites.
  • Standard cleaning qualifications must be developed as part of the apprenticeship fee.
  • Government messaging on hygiene in times of public health concerns or national emergencies should be clear, consistent, sustained, timely, relevant and specific.

BCC Chair Delia Cannings said: “As an apolitical industry organization, we do not support any particular political party or candidate. “Every political party must remember the high death toll and the significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on many families and society as a whole, and commit to taking steps to learn the lessons and prevent a recurrence.”

BCC immediate past president Jim Melvin said: “We represent the cleaning, hygiene and waste industry, which is worth almost £60 billion and is one of the largest and most important sectors in the UK. Our mini manifesto draws on our and our members’ industry expertise and experience and aims to inform the policies of the next government. It is vital that any incoming government engages with us, listens to these recommendations and acts on them.”

Have your say on the future of CAFM

Specialist computer-aided facilities management (CAFM) software developer Idox has launched a new ‘Impacting the Future of CAFM’ survey and would like to hear from those working in the dynamic facilities management sector.

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