
Nusantara’s dream: combining energy security with smart defense

Authors: Ahmad Munawir Siregar and Akhmad Hanan*

Indonesia is currently focusing on the development of its new capital, Nusantara, in the province of East Kalimantan. This city was designed as a futuristic, sustainable and safe metropolis. The development of Nusantara as a new administrative center reflects Indonesia’s strategic vision for the future and its Indonesia-centric principles.

In the context of national security, Nusantara plays a key role as a center of gravity that must be protected. As the seat of government and a national symbol, its security is essential to the stability and continuity of the nation. Drawing on Carl von Clausewitz’s military theories from his book On War (Vom Kriege), CoG is a key element of conflict. The relocation of the capital requires taking into account various threats, both military and non-military, as well as hybrid threats. The doctrine of effects-based operations emphasizes that elements such as military, population, infrastructure, and energy are the fundamental components of national power.

Indonesia is undergoing a major transformation through the development of Nusantara. As an archipelagic country, Indonesia must continuously improve energy availability, affordability, social acceptance and sustainability. One of the key factors in Nusantara’s successful transformation is its ability to manage energy to meet daily needs and the country’s energy security. As domestic energy consumption continues to rely primarily on fossil fuels, Indonesia faces challenges in transitioning to renewable energy sources. The largest consumers are the industrial and transport sectors, which are heavily dependent on coal and oil. In 2022, the National Energy Council (DEN) measured the country’s energy security index, which was 6.64. This result indicates a relatively resilient state of the country’s energy security, but also highlights significant room for improvement.

Ultimately, Nusantara aims to become a net-zero carbon city by 2045. The development of renewable energy is a priority, with the goal of 100% use of renewable energy for electricity generation in the core capital area. The implementation of smart grids and microgrids will optimize the distribution and use of energy. Buildings in Nusantara are designed to be energy efficient, using eco-friendly materials and advanced construction technologies.

The move of the capital represents a significant change in security and defense arrangements. Nusantara is divided into three key areas: central government, residential and educational zones, and technology development zones. The main focus was on ensuring secure energy supplies to support defense and security in the new capital, which requires an effective and dynamic defense system.

Geopolitical tensions in the South China Sea and Indonesia’s strategic geographic location increase the complexity of national resilience management. Integrating smart defense with energy security in Nusantara is imperative. An independent and sustainable energy system combined with advanced defense infrastructure and technologies such as AI, IoT and Big Data will monitor and optimize energy consumption while ensuring protection against cyber threats.

Kalimantan’s abundant renewable energy potential, including bioenergy, wind, hydro and solar, can be integrated into a smart defense system. Kalimantan’s abundance of fossil fuels and renewable energy sources increases its attractiveness. The specific energy potential in East Kalimantan includes 16,844 GW of hydropower, 212 MW of wind, 13.47 GW of solar energy and 17 MW of geothermal energy. Solar energy in particular is a prime candidate for deployment in Nusantara, supporting national defense and the energy needs of offices, households and utilities.

A national energy management strategy must leverage existing human resources, natural resources and infrastructure. The use of renewable energy for national defense can increase efficiency and ensure energy availability in emergencies. Technologies such as solar panels for sensors and monitoring equipment on military bases and electric vehicles in military fleets offer solutions to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

The integration of energy security and smart defense in Nusantara will ensure a reliable and secure energy supply, creating a safe and comfortable environment for its inhabitants. Strong energy resilience underpins a smart and sustainable defense system, positioning Nusantara as a robust smart city model for the future.

Achieving this requires coordination between government agencies such as the Ministry of Defence, TNI, POLRI and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, as well as private sector and community involvement. Consideration should be given to creating a National Security Council specifically for Nusantara to increase the speed and accuracy of decision-making.

*Akhmad Hanan is a researcher at the Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC). He graduated from the University of Diponegoro with a bachelor’s degree in Oceanography (UNDIP). Additionally, he obtained a master’s degree in energy security from the Indonesian Defense University (IDU), where he studied under a scholarship from the Ministry of Defense.