
Pope Francis pushes for AI legislation at G-7 summit


Fasano, Italy, June 14 (Jiji Press) – During Friday’s summit of the Group of Seven major powers, Pope Francis called for regulating artificial intelligence from an ethical perspective.

He became the first leader of the Catholic Church to attend the G-7 summit.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the summit’s chairwoman, invited the pope to the meeting in Puglia, southern Italy, believing his presence would “contribute decisively to defining the regulatory, ethical and cultural framework” for artificial intelligence.

Pope Francis said in his summit speech that “technology is born for a purpose” and that “no innovation is neutral.” He expressed concern about the use of artificial intelligence in weapons and called on G-7 leaders to reconsider the development and use of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), which can attack targets without human intervention.

The Pope has consistently advocated the creation of an international pact regulating artificial intelligence from the point of view of protecting human rights, promoting peace, equality and transparency, and ensuring the safe use of the innovative technology.

(Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.)

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