
General elections 2024: party manifestos | RCN Magazine

This is your chance to choose who will be the next UK government and influence the future of nursing and healthcare. Make your vote count to bring about positive change for nursing in the July 4 elections.

Our 12 electoral priorities

  1. Give all nursing staff a significant pay rise and introduce automatic pay progression from Year 5 to Year 6 for NHS nurses.
  2. Introducing safety-critical nurse-to-patient ratios in all care facilities.
  3. Provide legal protections for people who raise concerns about unsafe staff.
  4. A mental health support fund for all nursing staff, provided by every employer.
  5. Eliminate hallway care, including forced reporting.
  6. Opt for government-funded nursing degrees with a job guarantee for graduates.
  7. Repeal laws restricting the right to strike.
  8. Protect the title of “nurse” under the law.
  9. End the exploitation of health and social care workers and properly fund the sector.
  10. Provide sufficient financial resources for ongoing professional development.
  11. End punitive immigration policies that impact internationally educated nursing staff.
  12. Increase foreign aid spending to address global nursing shortages.

Read our full manifesto.

Party promises

RCN is not affiliated with any political party. We work with MPs of all parties to promote nursing, drive positive change and help influence government policy that benefits the nursing workforce and the health of the nation.

Before the parliamentary elections, we read the manifestos of the main political parties. Here is an outline of what they have to say about issues relating to nursing, health and social care.

Pages appear in alphabetical order.