
A new definition of smartphones!, Telecom News, ET Telecom

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key turning point in the technology industry, with early demonstrations in its applications in the smartphone market.

As Apple has embraced AI through the launch of a comprehensive strategy to integrate AI’s generative capabilities into its ecosystem, announced at its recent annual conference, history has only just begun and an era will be defined by AI. Initial use cases announced include new typing, focusing and communication features, as well as image creation that will make the device experience more personalized.

Artificial intelligence is becoming widespread, impacting many aspects of life – from virtual assistants, smart home devices to healthcare, etc. Moreover, it has the potential to transform industries by increasing efficiency, facilitating new business models, and creating innovative products.

Apple’s announcement of new AI features comes as the company tries to catch up with tech giants like Google and Microsoft, which are currently leading the AI ​​race. Despite this emphasis on artificial intelligence, Apple has stressed that its commitment to privacy will remain a priority.

The buzz around AI has been around for a while now, with Samsung announcing the launch of Galaxy AI earlier this year. Since then, smartphone makers including Realme, OnePlus, and Motorola have announced various AI features and generative AI capabilities in their smartphones. Motorola and Realme are expected to launch smartphones with multiple AI features next week.

Thanks to AI, many use cases have emerged where user experience and even chip, cell performance or battery life have been improved. However, the industry is entering the era of AI 2.0 with generative AI driving advanced AI use cases. Since GE use cases can be implemented in the cloud or on-device, both solutions guarantee advanced semiconductors from processing to memory.

Most current Generation AI use cases are powered by LLMs (Large Language Models) with billions of trained parameters to quickly process a voice or text language-based input query and send a response in just a few seconds either natively at the edge, without the Internet, or in cloud via the Internet. Other emerging use cases involve viewing and editing text, images or videos.

Counterpoint predicts that AI generation smartphones will exceed 43% of all smartphones shipped in 2027 worldwide.

“In the next 3-4 years, GenAI will go mainstream. Mass market phones may come out that will support core generational AI use cases using SLM (Small Language Models) in the next three years, which will solve some specific use cases like translation, editing, etc.” – Neil Shah – said an analyst from Counterpoint Research.

In an era dominated by artificial intelligence, issues of privacy, security and ethics are becoming increasingly important. Time will tell how well companies manage to balance innovation with these concerns. Nevertheless, this era undoubtedly belongs to AI, which will enable mobile consumers to use the most advanced version of their smartphones.

  • Posted on June 15, 2024 at 7:00 pm EST

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