
TWU calls for regulations to be introduced under the Qantas Drop Post Illegal outsourcing standards

Reports of mishandling of firearms, damaged aircraft and unbalanced aircraft loads at Swissport are consistent with documentation of safety incidents released by TWU in 2022 showing that standards have plummeted and remain dangerously low since the illegal outsourcing of ground handling services to Qantas.

Qantas selected Swissport due to its busiest earthworks in Sydney and Melbourne, despite previous reports by TWU of worker mistreatment, including workers sleeping under baggage carousels, and the rejection of substandard company contracts by the Fair Work Commission.

TWU’s 2022 survey of Swissport employees found that 81% were concerned about staff shortages and 62% were so tired at work that they were worried about a safety incident occurring.

Despite findings by the Federal Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court that Qantas illegally outsourced 1,700 ground workers, the airline argued in court that the workers should not have their jobs restored or be compensated.

TWU has secured a commitment from Virgin Australia to outsource more of its ground handling work, but the airline currently uses Swissport’s services at some airports such as Perth.

Last week, TWU wrote to Virgin Australia outraged that one of the architects of Qantas’ illegal outsourcing, Paul Jones, might be considered for the CEO position.

TWU national secretary Michael Kaine said Qantas has publicly and in court denied that there have been any issues with standards since the illegal outsourcing of groundwork, while reporting incidents and demanding improvements from Swissport.

“The ZTWU has been sounding the alarm about Swissport’s practices since 2014, but in light of numerous security breaches, Qantas has selected and defended Swissport as its primary groundhandling outsourcer since the illegal dismissal of its own groundworkers.

“Despite the decline in standards, Qantas argued in the Federal Court that illegally dismissed workers should not be reinstated or receive a dollar in compensation. It’s breathtaking. It argues that this executive team needs control through regulatory oversight of the industry.

“TWU members are outraged that Virgin Australia is currently considering for the position of CEO one of the architects of Qantas’s illegal outsourcing decision – an individual who, according to the Federal Court, acted with a cause prohibited under the Fair Work Act and was an unreliable witness.

“Aviation is out of control and needs to be rebalanced. The union movement has joined TWU and ASU in calling on the Safe and Secure Skies Commission to set binding standards and ensure priority is given to workers, passengers and communities.”

Click here to view Swissport’s 2022 security incident records

Click here to view the results of the TWU Swissport 2022 survey

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