
“It will play an essential role in helping businesses meet their demand for reliable, affordable electricity.”

This is a promising new path in wind energy generation.

Photo source: Aeromine Technologies

Safer and quieter wind energy solutions may soon appear on the roof of a nearby office or apartment building.

Now that startup Aeromine Technologies has received funding, Electrek reports, it can begin commercially deploying its “stationary” wind energy system this year.

When you think of wind turbines, you usually think of tall turbines with large blades that are scattered across farms on land and at sea to capture these green resources.

According to the Energy Information Administration, these turbines were already responsible for more than 10% of total U.S. grid power in 2023. However, with the right technology, there are unpowered markets where wind energy could be harnessed.

Aeromine generators are designed to be mounted on the edges of commercial or industrial buildings with flat roofs that are predominantly wind-prone, such as warehouses, large retail stores, and even large apartment complexes.

Electrek explained that these “wind energy platforms” can generate approximately 50 kilowatts of power and typically consist of 20-40 units. According to the company’s website, each approximately 3-meter-high unit is durable, quiet, vibration-free and can operate 24 hours a day with little maintenance.

Their aerodynamic design captures and amplifies airflow, directing it between two lobes, which in turn creates low pressure. This helps draw wind into the intake port at the base and through the internal generator.

Thanks to quiet operation and no moving external parts, this type of generator has minimal impact on wildlife and, according to the company, will not disturb neighbors due to noise pollution. In addition, buildings and companies can reduce CO2 emissions.

Maynard Holt, founder and CEO of Veriten, a lead investor in Aeromine, said: “We believe that distributed energy innovations will play a key role in helping companies meet their demand for reliable, affordable electricity and their need for energy with low environmental impact “.

This unique technology was invented in 2015 by Aeromine founder Dr. Carsten H. Westergaard. The company was officially established in 2021, followed by a series of test installations that led to this year’s commercial launch.

The technology has even been validated by Sandia National Laboratories and Texas Tech University, and in 2023 it was recognized by the World Economic Forum as an industry innovator.

This isn’t surprising, considering the generator can produce 50% more energy than other sustainable options and, the company claimed, can meet 100% of a building’s needs when combined with a rooftop solar installation.

This is a promising new avenue for wind power generation that could help us all move closer to net zero emissions goals and combat rising global temperatures, making the air much cleaner and healthier for us to breathe.

Aeromine CEO David Asarnow said in the release: “This is a groundbreaking idea that adds new value to the rapidly growing rooftop power generation market, helping corporations achieve resiliency and sustainability goals with an untapped distributed renewable energy source.”

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