
Logan and Cook bring expertise to the NMIS – Daily Business board

Neil Logan and Allan Cook

The National Manufacturing Institute of Scotland (NMIS) has strengthened its non-executive board with the appointment of: Neil Logan AND Allan Cook.

The duo brings broad leadership in engineering, manufacturing and digital entrepreneurship to the board.

Mr. Logan has extensive experience and a passion for leading and supporting innovative businesses to grow and succeed.

He is the former CEO and co-founder of Increasal Group, where he led projects and strategies supporting the company’s growth until its successful sale in 2022. He also served as president of The Data Lab from 2014 to 2018, where he played a key role in supporting the organization’s mission to generate economic value from data science and analytics.

Cook is a renowned industrial engineer and business leader with expertise in the automotive, aerospace and defense industries. Most recently, he was president of global consulting firm Atkins; High value production catapult; and HS2.

He was CEO at Cobham and has held senior management positions at GEC-Marconi, BAE Systems and Hughes Aircraft, and is currently Chair of the Materials Innovation Leadership Group at the Henry Royce Institute.

Logan said: “With my experience in digital transformation and technology, I have been at the forefront of a number of projects and initiatives that have helped engineering and manufacturing companies operating across the UK prepare for the future.”

Cook said: “Supporting NMIS in its ambition to secure Scotland’s position as a hub for advanced manufacturing is a great opportunity. Innovation and collaboration are key to solving complex challenges at an industrial scale, and NMIS has a clear role in facilitating this across key sectors.

NMIS is operated by the University of Strathclyde and is part of the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) catapult.