
37% of environmental professionals say the government does not support net zero emissions

net zero

National Environmental Services research shows that 37% of environmental professionals believe current government policy is not helping them achieve net zero targets.

In a report presenting the results of the National Environmental Services Survey, 80% of respondents also said they had serious concerns about the fairness of carbon credit offsetting schemes.

While 33% believe carbon offsetting is a viable strategy to achieve net zero emissions, 37% have used it as a strategy to reduce their businesses’ environmental impact.

Greenwashing also remains a serious problem among industry professionals – 94% of respondents believe it is common in the UK.

32% said that climate change and global warming are the biggest environmental and sustainability issues today, which was the largest percentage of respondents.

15% pointed to environmental policy and management, and 13% to waste management and the circular economy.

32% said they were one of the biggest barriers to their organization achieving net zero, exceeded only by financial constraints (44%). Only 3% of respondents said their organization is currently net zero.

What’s disturbing is that so many sustainability experts believe that greenhouse gas offset programs actually harm the environment.

Rob Mowat, managing director of ESS Expo, explained: “It is disturbing that so many sustainability experts believe that greenhouse gas offsetting programs actually harm the environment.

“While some companies participate in highly certified programs, many in the industry are concerned that these programs are simply another form of eco-shaming and may, in some cases, do more harm to the environment than good.”

The survey collected data from over 1,498 professionals across the environmental industry between April and May 2024.

It was organized in cooperation with the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM), The Environmental Services Association (ESA), Groundwork and ESS Expo (Environmental Services and Solutions Expo).

Lee Marshall, director of innovation and technical services at the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM), said: “Concerns about offsetting show that resources and waste professionals want to do the right thing and take significant steps to support climate change mitigation.

“The UK has made significant progress, but it is no surprise that people feel that net zero and circular economy policies are not strong enough.

“We need policies that accelerate the transition to a more resource-resilient circular economy, able to meet future material needs and support the fight against climate change, and this is what CIWM calls for in our ten policy recommendations for the new government. “