
Financial justice advocates criticize the Cryptocurrency Regulation Act / Public News Service

Consumer defenders oppose the bill regulating the cryptocurrency market, claiming that it is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act would give regulatory authority to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission instead of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Mark Hays, senior policy analyst at the nonprofits Demand Progress and Americans for Financial Reform, said that would be a mistake.

“You are essentially creating a more permissive regulatory regime that allows crypto companies to do essentially the same thing they do with patina protection,” Hays noted. “But it doesn’t actually provide the same kind of protection that you would get if you just deal with them the way we do now.”

Supporters of the bill say it provides strong consumer protections and regulatory certainty that allows a growing industry to flourish. The bill passed the U.S. House of Representatives last month with a majority vote of Republicans but also some support from progressive Democrats, including Rep. Robert Garcia, D-Calif., Rep. Jimmy Gomez, D-Calif., and Rep. Sydney Kamlager-Dove, D-Calif. California, Representative Ro Khanna, D-California, Representative Mike Levin, D-California, Representative Ted Lieu, D-California, and Representative Jimmy Panetta, D-California.

Kevin Stein, director of legal and strategy for the nonprofit RISE Economy, said lawmakers should put the needs of vulnerable consumers first.

“There are so many terrible stories and violations of consumer rights, which is why we need regulation,” argued Stein. “The cryptocurrency industry has put a lot of money and a lot of lobbying power into trying to get the rules they want, and that’s always a recipe for disaster.”

The U.S. Senate will now consider whether to take up the bill.

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