
RWE launches Welsh BESS consultation

To support decarbonization ambitions under the Pembroke Net Zero Centre, RWE is pursuing proposals to develop a battery energy storage system (BESS) on its site adjacent to the Pembroke power station.

RWE launches Welsh BESS consultation

BESS plays a key role in integrating renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy into the power grid. Surplus renewable energy can be stored and fed into the grid when needed. Electricity is consumed in real time and this technology will enable homes and businesses to be powered by renewable energy wherever possible.

Consultation on RWE’s plans will open on 17 June 2024 and end on 15 July 2024. RWE is asking for community feedback on these plans and has launched a consultation where local people can provide comments on the planning application.

The planned investment will be located on a plot of 5.1 ha. area south of the current power plant and would include 212 battery containers, 106 power conversion systems (PCS) for grid connectivity, and related infrastructure.

The battery would have a maximum charging/discharging power of 350 MW and would be connected via underground cables to the grid at the adjacent 400 kV substation of the National Power Grid. Once fully operational, the Pembroke battery will be able to store enough electricity to meet the average daily energy demand of over 72,000 typical UK homes.

In line with RWE’s commitment to protect and enhance the local environment, the company has committed to providing various biodiversity measures as part of the proposal. Field margins will be extended with plantings of species-rich meadows, native woodland and scrub, and a large new pond will be created, which will be managed to support local wildlife. The periphery of the investment area will be additionally enriched with bat and bird houses, insect hotels and hibernation shelters for reptiles around the edge of the field. The habitat management plan will ensure that the habitats created are managed in a sensitive manner, supporting local wildlife throughout the life of the project.

“RWE Pembroke Battery represents the next step in our plans to invest in new innovative energy technologies as part of our Pembroke Net Zero Center vision. We would like to thank those who have engaged with us in the green hydrogen consultation and encourage the community to engage with the consultation process, find out more about our battery energy storage proposals and express their views on these proposals,” commented Richard Little, Pembroke Director Net Zero Center.

More news and technical articles from the global renewable energy industry can be found in the latest issue of Energy Global magazine.

Energy Global Spring 2024 issue

The Spring 2024 issue of Energy Global begins with guest commentary from Field on how battery storage can serve as a viable solution to reduced energy consumption, before moving on to a regional report by Théodore Reed-Martin, editorial assistant at Energy Global, looking at the state of renewable energy sources in Europe. This issue also includes a number of technical articles on electrical infrastructure, turbine and blade monitoring, battery storage technology, coatings and more.

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