
Can hydrogen be the key to decarbonizing the maritime sector?

The Australian government has invested millions in an international green hydrogen project to decarbonize the maritime industry.

The Zero Hydrogen Emissions Maritime (HyZEM) project focuses on developing green hydrogen technology for high-power workboats. This includes practical applications in green energy storage, ship propulsion, bunkering technology, port storage, fueling infrastructure and more.

The ultimate goal is to reduce the risks of using green hydrogen technologies in the maritime industry and accelerate their adoption.

The project will receive $2.76 million from the UK government, with a similar amount from the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water.

A conglomerate of Australian and UK companies, including Steamology and Rux Energy, will spearhead the initiative, which will be implemented using Freeport East, the UK’s main port.

It is understood that Rux Energy will operate a sister project in Australia.

Rux Energy founder and CEO Jehan Kanga said HyZEM combines two breakthrough green energy technologies.

“The collaboration demonstrates how we can decarbonize products faster and more effectively through collaboration, accelerating commercialization and the development of a two-way supply chain, establishing Australia and the UK as world leaders in marine decarbonization technology,” he said.

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