
The Queen Creek Fire Department has tips and warnings regarding fireworks

As the Fourth of July holiday approaches, it is important to know what types of fireworks are legal in the Town of Queen Creek.

Legal consumer fireworks include ground-based and hand-held fizzing devices. Any device that rises into the air and explodes/detonates or flies above the ground is illegal. These include air/bottle rockets, reloadable missiles, air-launched projectiles and air-launched single-tube devices, according to a city news release.

State statute determines when legal consumer fireworks can be sold and used. Legal consumer fireworks can be used at Queen Creek from June 24 to July 6. Illegal fireworks are never allowed within city limits.

Legal consumer fireworks are only permitted on private property, and persons who use, discharge or ignite such fireworks are responsible and liable for expenses in the event that any intervention is necessary, the release said.

To reduce the risks associated with fireworks, Queen Creek Fire and Medical recommends the following safety tips:

Adults should always supervise fireworks displays. Fires burn at temperatures of around 2,000 degrees and can cause serious injuries.

Avoid buying fireworks in brown paper packaging.

  • When lighting a fuse, never place any part of your body directly above the fireworks device. Immediately after lighting, move away to a safe distance.
  • Never attempt to re-light or lift fireworks that have not fully ignited.
  • Never aim or throw fireworks at another person.
  • Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire or other disaster.
  • Light the fireworks one at a time and move back quickly.
  • Never carry fireworks in your pocket or shoot from metal or glass containers.
  • Once the fireworks are fully operational, you should immerse the used device in a bucket of water overnight and then throw it in the trash to prevent a garbage fire.
  • Use only legal consumer fireworks and always leave airborne fireworks (illegal for consumer use) to professionals.

Fireworks can also pose a threat to pets and farm animals. The following safety tips are recommended:

  • Don’t take your pet to fireworks displays.
  • Provide a safe area away from loud noises.
  • Do not place glow sticks or jewelry on your pet.
  • Make sure your pet is properly identified with a microchip and/or tag.
  • Never use fireworks near your pet or livestock, and watch out for your neighbors’ pets and livestock.

If you suspect illegal fireworks are being used in your area, contact the Queen Creek Police non-emergency number at 480-358-3500.