
Plant experts disagree on the industry’s potential future

The current challenges facing the plant-based sector in Asia amid the current economic climate and overall slow consumer uptake were the main topic of discussion by an expert panel at the recent ReThink SEA agri-food roundtable in Bangkok.

The panel included Maarten Geraets, co-founder of Stealth Food Impact Startup and advisor/consultant/mentor at Alternative Protein and Future Food Space, executive director of China Plant Based Food Alliance Ryan Xue, and managing director of Good Food Institute APAC Mirte Gosker.

The group started by acknowledging that the plant-based sector had seen some initial success at the start of the ‘explosion’ in the region, driven largely by the newness of the sector and the consumer psychology of jumping on the trend as much as it was exciting – but not so much out of willingness. doing good or changing your diet in the long run.

“We need to first address the elephant in the room, which is that here in APAC, and indeed in most markets outside the EU, plant-based products are suffering.”Gosker said in full voice.

“There is a lot of forward thinking that needs to be incorporated into the future of the industry and how to bring it back to the attention of consumers and governments in a positive way, especially as this is a necessity given that there is no other solution for this industry” sustainability issues, that we face.

“There are, of course, many challenges that we will have to face, but solutions may not be as far away as expected – when it comes to the over-processing debate, for example, our research and development in Southeast Asia has shown that this is an issue that is being discussed only by opponents of vegetation or those who are not interested in it, but never by enthusiasts.”