
The Croatian company HROTE invites you to submit offers for the construction of 607 MW of renewable power

The Croatian energy market operator HROTE announced a tender for the purchase of 607 MW of renewable power to be built in the country. The purpose of the public tender is to award a market premium to renewable energy projects. Offers can be submitted until June 27, 2024.

The tender is open to wind (150 MW), photovoltaic (450 MW) and hydro (7 MW) technologies, with bidders able to participate in two main categories in terms of proposed capacity (on the one hand, projects above 1 MW and projects above 200 kW proposed by SMEs or energy communities). Maximum reference prices have been established for each of the two groups, which range from EUR 67.05/MWh to EUR 158.30/MWh. Each winning project will be able to receive a market bonus of up to EUR 30 million.

The Croatian updated draft National Energy and Climate Plan (2023) increases the 2030 target for the share of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption from 36.4% to 42.5% (28% in 2022), including 73.6% for electricity, 47.1% for heating and cooling and 21.6% for transport.