
GOP ready to eliminate the ban on selling shares in Congress after the Supreme Court’s ruling

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is expected to ask the Senate to adopt a federal ban on gun bumps as early as Tuesday — after the Supreme Court struck down a ban on the devices — but Republicans are expected to will hit the effort dropped despite previously supporting it when the devices were first put under scrutiny.

Key facts

Schumer will ask senators to ban bump actions by unanimous consent – where all senators would have to agree to the measure – Politico reported, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said she intends to block the initiative.

The Supreme Court on Friday struck down a federal ban on bump stocks – devices that allow semi-automatic firearms to fire at a much faster rate that imitates a machine gun – ruling 6-3. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) overstepped its authority by taking 2018 decision to ban bump stocks under federal law.

Bump wrestling first sparked controversy after the device was used in the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas, which was the deadliest in modern U.S. history, and politicians on both sides called for restrictions on the use of bumpers.

Many GOP lawmakers supported banning bump stocks at the time, although then-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan of Wisconsin ultimately insisted that the ATF take action, not Congress, and bump stocks were banned during Donald Trump’s presidency – with the Justice Department saying at the time that it “faithfully follows President Trump’s leadership in making clear that bump actions… are illegal.”

Republicans in Congress, however, haven’t shown the same appetite for anti-stockpile action since the devices became legal again: In addition to Graham, Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., told NBC News he “doesn’t mind it being a state issue” and wouldn’t support a federal ban, while Sen. J.D. Vance, D-Ohio, referred to Democrats’ efforts to ban bump stocks as “setting up to solve false problems.”

Trump, despite previously pushing for a ban on bump stocks as president, has also changed his mind, with his campaign telling the Associated Press that the Supreme Court’s decision “should be respected” and emphasizing that Trump is a “fierce defender of the American people ” “Second Amendment Rights.”

What to look for

Can Democrats take significant action in Congress on the stock market ban, given Republican opposition. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., told The Hill it was “probably not” possible for the two sides to reach an agreement on growth stocks, but said Democrats needed to bring the issue to the Senate floor anyway to “to emphasize the contrast, put Republicans in registry and also give our website the opportunity to show where we are.”


Some Republicans have signaled they are open to the possibility of bump stock legislation, including Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Thom Tillis, R-N.C., although Tillis told The Hill that he believes in Schumer’s tactic of asking for unanimous consent was a bad move. “If he were serious, he would call the people who worked on bipartisan bills to the floor and say, ‘I know I have a reluctant House. How do we achieve a bipartisan result?’” Tillis said. “Instead, he intends to make a (request for unanimous consent)

and say all Republicans are opposed to this,” the lawmaker continued, accusing Schumer of “poisoning the well” on the issue and calling for unanimous consent as a “political exercise.”

Chief critic

Sen. Jacky Rosen, R-Nevada, slammed Vance for calling the fashion stocks debate a “phony issue” and told reporters: “Shame on you. Shame on him for disrespecting the dead.” “Let him come to Las Vegas. Let him see the monument to those who died. Let him talk to these families,” Rosen said. “This is not a fake problem. These families are dead.

A surprising fact

The National Rifle Association also supported restrictions on bump stocks in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting, saying the organization “should be subject to additional regulation.” The state regulator also recently changed its position on these devices, but filed a complaint with the Supreme Court urging it to overturn the federal ban.

Key background

Stocks are devices that replace the stock of a semi-automatic firearm with a sliding stock and a trigger guard that, when firing a shot, causes his finger to “strike” the trigger repeatedly, firing shots at high speed. The ATF has long allowed the use of such devices under federal law despite the ban on machine guns, because the law defines a machine gun as a firearm that can fire “automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single trigger function” – while when shock wrestling technically requires multiple trigger pulls. The ATF’s 2018 ban on the stockpile required anyone with the device to destroy it or surrender it to the agency, and firearms owner Michael Cargill sued the government, arguing that the ATF exceeded its authority by banning the devices. The Supreme Court agreed with Cargill on Friday, with the conservative justices conceding that the stocks did not fit the federal definition of a machine gun, while three liberal justices disagreed. In a concurring opinion, Justice Samuel Alito suggested that Congress should take action to ban bump stocks themselves. “Congress can change the law, and may already have done so if the ATF had stuck to its prior interpretation,” Alito wrote. “Now that the situation is clear, Congress can act.”

Further reading

ForbesThe stock market is legal again as the Supreme Court overturned the Trump-era gun ban
ForbesBumping stocks: What to know about the firearms controversy after the Supreme Court struck down the ban