
Gupta Rokta on the timing of the transaction – Beet.TV

In the world of data-driven advertising, we often hear executives talk about the importance of advertising meaning.

What what Is meaning, really? For many, this word simply means personalized advertising.

But Srishti Gupta, chief product officer at Rokt, goes deeper.

Meaning from Rokt

“Relevance is not personalization. Completely different,” Gupta explains in a video interview with Beet.TV editorial director Lisa Granatstein.

“The personalization would be: ‘Hey Srishti, we have this offer for you because we understand you.’

“But what we’re really talking about is whether I have a completely different mindset depending on what transaction I’m involved in or what the context of my personality is at that moment.”

Rokt’s software platform uses algorithms to help online companies optimize customer engagement through targeted advertising and personalized experiences during the transaction process.

Their services include ad serving, offer recommendations, and data analysis to increase conversion rates and customer acquisition efficiency.

To achieve this level of relevancy, Rokt uses a combination of first-party data from e-commerce companies, such as basket content, purchase frequency and customer loyalty status, along with derived data about customer interactions and preferences.

The company’s machine learning algorithms then use this data to make real-time decisions to determine which content is most appropriate to display.

“To actually harness the power of this data, we need to make real-time decisions,” Gupta says.

Maintaining a high bar for customer relevance

Rokt’s machine learning models have a high customer relevance threshold and if the probability of a customer finding a suitable offer falls below this threshold, nothing will be shown at all.

“We only show something if it is a net addition to the experience,” Gupta emphasizes.

“We have to maintain this very high bar, even if it means that in a certain percentage of cases we simply show nothing.”

Experiments and tests for long-term trust

In addition to making decisions based on artificial intelligence, Rokt relies on experiments and tests to check the impact of its offering on the customer experience.

By monitoring metrics such as cart conversion rates, the company ensures that it is constantly adding value and not compromising the user experience.

“We always have to retest what we add,” Gupta explains. “We look at factors such as basket conversion rate. If we show something and not, what real impact will it have? And making sure that we only add net and don’t take anything away from that experience.

By maintaining a long-term approach to customer importance and trust, Rokt strives to create a win-win situation for both its partners and end customers.

You are watching “Why Rules of Relevance in E-Commerce”, a Beet.TV leadership series presented by Rokta. You can find more videos from this series on this page.