
Why desktop and smartphone makers are turning away

  • Runar Björhofde, economic analyst at technology company Canalysys, examines the reasons behind the increase in the number of computers and smartphones equipped with built-in artificial intelligence.
  • Artificial intelligence will be used differently in smartphones and computers. He emphasizes that computer functions are mainly intended to provide an increase in productivity, for example for programmers.
  • The massive investments by companies like Intel and Qualcomm in AI chips illustrate this enthusiasm. However, it is necessary to take appropriate data protection measures.

Share of AI computers in 2027


According to the analytical company Canalysys, by 2025 computers equipped with artificial intelligence will be common. In 2027, 60% of computers sold will have artificial intelligence built-in. Estimates provided by IDC.

We increasingly come across advertisements for the so-called Amnesty International “Do they promise consumers real changes?

The situation is different with smartphones and computers. Most new features introduced in smartphones focus more on marketing and the experience offered than on real benefits for users. For example, automatic suggestions in messaging apps or virtual assistants may seem impressive, but they are often perceived as a scam. However, artificial intelligence has huge potential and I am sure that companies will develop more and more features according to the needs of users.

Developers will be able to work with language models built directly into their computers.

Do you think it’s different with computers?

On computers, artificial intelligence integration aims to improve user productivity. Unlike smartphones, which are often used for light or entertainment tasks, computers are associated with productivity such as document creation, data processing and, of course, software development. For example, developers will be able to work with language models built directly into their computers. The same applies to multimedia content creators. In this context, artificial intelligence can play a key role by automating some repetitive tasks, providing contextual suggestions and enabling more intuitive interaction with the computer. For example, technologies like Copilot can help users navigate large amounts of data more efficiently by making intelligent suggestions and anticipating their needs.

We already have access to AI tools from personal computers in the cloud. Why integrate the power of AI directly into user devices?

Data privacy and cybersecurity issues are of increasing concern, especially in Europe, where data protection regulations are particularly stringent. For companies looking to leverage AI while complying with these regulations, it is important to put in place robust data protection measures and ensure that all personal and other data is processed responsibly and securely. This may include using AI solutions locally or on the device itself, rather than relying on cloud services.

What should we understand when we talk about huge investments in artificial intelligence by companies such as Intel or Qualcomm?

The huge investments made by companies such as Intel, Mediatek and Qualcomm show to what extent manufacturers or , working in this field. These companies are shaping the future of endpoint AI by developing cutting-edge technologies and providing device manufacturers with high-quality hardware and software solutions. For example, they can design specialized chips capable of handling intensive AI workloads or develop software platforms that enable developers to create innovative AI applications. The implications for consumers are significant because it means future devices will be more powerful and smarter. They will be able to meet more energy-intensive needs.

Canalys AI PC curveCanalys AI PC curve

Expected development of the use of computers with integrated artificial intelligence

For you, artificial intelligence is just a technology, not a product. How do you see it developing in electronic devices? What are the conditions for consumers to benefit from this?

The future development of artificial intelligence in devices is promising, but many challenges remain to be overcome to enable its widespread adoption, especially in Europe. First, there are technical challenges to overcome, such as refining AI algorithms to run efficiently and reliably on resource-constrained devices, as well as managing power, memory, and bandwidth. Additionally, regulatory and ethical challenges need to be considered, particularly with regard to protecting privacy, transparency and accountability in AI systems, as well as combating bias and discrimination. In Europe, where data protection regulations are strict, companies must comply with them and take proactive steps to ensure that their AI systems meet the highest ethical standards.