
The Council of Ministers makes decisions on draft laws and regulations – EAW in English

Addis Ababa June 20, 2024 (ENA) The Council of Ministers, during today’s 36th regular session, approved several draft laws and regulations regulating areas such as aviation, third-party vehicle insurance, road traffic control and the education sector.

The Council first discussed a bill to revise the International Aviation Convention, which aims to protect national interests, strengthen Ethiopia’s representation and voting rights in international forums, and ensure global recognition of the country’s civil aviation structure.

After discussing the bill, the Council unanimously decided to send it to the House of People’s Representatives for approval.

The second program discussed by the Council of Ministers was the Regulation on passenger vehicle insurance, which aims to harmonize procedures at national level, strengthen law enforcement, determine premium rates and deductible amounts for third-party vehicle insurance policies, and introduce appropriate insurance for electric vehicles entering the European Union. industry market.

The Council approved the regulation and announced its implementation after publication in the Federal Negarit Gazette.

The next topic of the council’s deliberations was the draft regulation on road traffic control.

Recognizing road accidents as a cross-cutting social problem causing loss of life, bodily injury and property damage, the Council of Ministers adopted a regulation containing detailed provisions regulating the flow of road transport traffic based on the prevailing conditions.

The Council, after considering the draft regulation, approved its implementation after publication in the Federal Negarit Gazette.
The proclamation of the universal education project was another agenda item submitted at the Council of Ministers meeting today.

The draft proclamation aims to ensure equal access, quality and suitability to primary and secondary education to all citizens across the country.

The bill includes, among others: curricula, organization of schools, teacher matters, supervision of non-governmental educational institutions.

The Council approved the proclamation of the universal education project, which, after taking into account the amendments, will be submitted to the House of Representatives of the Nations.

Finally, the Council of Ministers discussed the draft regulation aimed at deciding on the national qualifications framework.

Stressing the need to ensure the quality, comparability and recognition of qualifications awarded in education and training programmes, the Council approved a regulation aimed at establishing accountability standards and national qualifications frameworks.

The Council decided that the regulation would take effect upon publication in the Federal Negarit Gazette, after deliberating on the matter.