
OPINION: When planning for the future, NV Energy puts customers and employees first

Providing reliable, safe and affordable energy is not only the goal of NV Energy, but the goal of thousands of IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) brothers and sisters who have dedicated their careers to serving customers. I know first-hand the commitment to the people we all serve, so I would like to correct some inaccuracies shared by a representative of the Toiyabe Sierra Club chapter in a recent article.

The article mentioned that NV Energy is proposing to spend hundreds of millions to increase the use of fossil fuels, with these costs being passed on to ratepayers. This is misleading and intentionally fails to inform readers that NV Energy’s proposal includes over 1,000 megawatts of new solar and geothermal energy and over 1,000 megawatts of new batteries. These projects will help provide customers with reliable, affordable and clean energy.

The proposal includes a plan to add more natural gas peaking units. These units are a critical and cost-effective resource (compared to other alternative plans), providing customers with reliable power when and where they need it when other resources may not be available. These units will only be used during peak hours during the summer months.

NV Energy has long been a national leader in renewable energy, and additional natural gas units do not detract from NV Energy’s efforts to meet and exceed state renewable energy standards.

Additionally, the article combined the filing of NV Energy’s Integrated Resource Plan with a separate filing submitted by NV Energy for approval to state regulators in connection with a proposed change to the base service fee paid by Northern Nevada customers. This is a monthly fee that covers the cost of the basic service. Adjusting the base service charge in northern Nevada does not increase average customer bills, but addresses the inequity in which customers without rooftop solar subsidize the costs of those who have the economic means to install rooftop solar.

The proposal to adjust the basic service fee provides stability, equity and fairness for customers and, importantly, does not increase the overall average customer bill. The requested increase in the basic service charge also entails a reduction in the electricity consumption and supply portion of the bill. Don’t be fooled by those trying to protect this cost shift that favors rooftop solar owners.

NV Energy’s plan balances delivering increased growth, meeting renewable portfolio standards, and ensuring customers have access to affordable, reliable, and safe energy when they need it – it is forward-looking, comprehensive, and considers Nevadans’ future energy needs and NV Energy’s plans to meet today’s and long-term needs of current and future customers.

The plan supports NV Energy’s portfolio diversification, affordable rates for customers, stimulates economic activity and creates more jobs for Nevada workers.

Jesse Newman is business manager for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, IBEW 396.

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