
Launch a new acquisition channel with store campaigns (2024)

Acquiring new customers is a major challenge for the vast majority of brands, but finding a channel that delivers reliable, high-quality customers and requires little setup and maintenance can be difficult. This is where store campaigns come in handy. This is a risk-free acquisition program that pays new customers on sales. This article describes how easy it is to create a new acquisition channel that will quickly and easily translate into real results and sustainable development.

About 43% of the brand’s customers already use the Store. With in-store campaigns, you can easily accelerate the development of engaged mobile customers. On average, brands see a 2.2x increase in store sales compared to brands that do not run campaigns. Leading brands are seeing significant results from in-store campaigns. Caraway generated $2 million in revenue, and Makari credits the program with a 22% increase in new customers.

It’s also easy to speed up. All you need to do is enter your maximum customer acquisition cost (CAC) and your target return on ad spend (ROAS) and budget, and Shop takes care of the rest, including audience targeting and creative optimization. Fifty percent of brands receive their first order in less than 48 hours, and many brands say they spend less than 30 minutes a week managing their campaigns.

In-store campaigns allow your brand to reach millions of in-store shoppers in both the U.S. and Canada, and increase reach and awareness on top advertising platforms like Meta and Google. This incremental awareness and impressions are free because you only pay when a new customer converts from your in-store campaign.

An image showing the admin experience and customer-facing experience for store campaigns

Grow your brand on top platforms with Shop Brand and only pay at the bottom of the funnel for fully verified customers.

Achieve results without risk

Grow your customer base with pay-per-sale pricing and never spend more than your maximum CAC.

Create a store campaign

Find out how 3 top brands are driving growth with in-store campaigns

Cumin: $2 million in store campaign revenue to date

Caraway, a leading cookware brand, faced rising customer acquisition costs, increasing competition and attribution challenges, further exacerbated by privacy changes in iOS 14.5. Throughout 2023, Caraway achieved over $2 million in store campaign revenue, saw a 16x increase in Shop app orders, and significantly reduced customer acquisition cost (CAC). The success of the in-store campaigns in driving first-time customer acquisition and improving brand exposure has cemented its role in Caraway’s marketing strategy.

An image showing the Caraway store campaign in the Shop app

Read the full case study

Blueland: Average order value increased by 4%

Blueland, a sustainable cleaning products company, successfully leveraged Shop Campaigns as a highly effective acquisition channel, resulting in a 2.6x increase in Shop app sales in three months. Additionally, in 2024, the average value of orders in the Store exceeded the value of the order on their website by 4%. The simplicity and efficiency of managing in-store campaigns, requiring less than half an hour per week, has enabled Blueland to redirect its advertising budget from other channels to in-store campaigns, strengthening its role in its growth strategy.

An image showing Blueland's Shop with an active store campaign in the Shop app

Read the full case study

Makari: Store campaigns generate a 22% increase in the number of new customers

Makari, a 30-year-old brand specializing in skin care products, attributes almost a quarter of its new customer acquisition to in-store campaigns, which significantly accelerated its growth. This resulted in a 4.9-fold increase in Shop sales in three months and represents a 22% increase in new customers. Additionally, they observed a 4-fold increase in the number of returning customers, which indicates high customer satisfaction and loyalty. Clear return on investment, high-quality customer acquisition and seamless integration with their remarketing activities have established in-store campaigns as a key element of Makari’s marketing strategy.

An image showing a shopping cart in the Shop app with a Shop Campaings product

Read the full case study

Start using store campaigns

Watch this video to get started with store campaigns in just a few clicks, or follow the steps below.

Already running an in-store campaign? Check out our optimization tips here.

Go to the advertising section of the Store channel

After opening the channel, go to the “Advertising” section. If this is your first time setting up a campaign, you’ll see the “Create Campaign” option, which will open the campaign editor.

Choose your platforms

All campaigns work in the Shop app and, but you can also extend your campaigns to external platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Google. You still only pay for conversions.

Enter campaign parameters

In the campaign editor, you can give it a name and set parameters (e.g. daily budget, maximum customer acquisition cost and return on advertising spend). Once published, the campaign will go live in the app after approximately 24 hours.

Please note that if you are not currently eligible for store campaigns, you will not be able to access the campaign setup page.

Track performance and iterate

A few hours after you launch your campaign, performance data will start appearing in the “Advertising” section of your Store feed. Results are aggregated across all campaigns and can be viewed by clicking on the campaign name.

Achieve results without risk

Grow your customer base with pay-per-sale pricing and never spend more than your maximum CAC.

Create a store campaign