
They use an intelligent tool to simulate activity on their computers

When working remotely, it can be tempting to stay calm. Especially since today there are tools that allow you to simulate activity on your computer. This is a trick used by employees of a large bank.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, remote work has been increasing in companies, much to the delight of employees. Thanks to this, you can save valuable time wasted on commuting, sleep a little longer in the morning, work in an environment in which you feel comfortable, be able to organize your time more freely and be able to work on the road. Yes, but some people abuse the freedom given to them a little too much…

This is what happened in the American bank Wells Fargo, which dismissed ten employees accused of deceiving their managers and telling them that they were working when they were not.

We don’t necessarily think about it, but employers can monitor remote workers using tools such as email or web browsing monitoring software, or even video surveillance systems, webcams equipped with eye-tracking technologies, or software that records keystrokes or mouse movements. Wells Fargo had such arrangements.

However, procrastinators used a device that simulates keyboard or mouse use, which shows that there is actually activity even when the people involved are not working. These devices often come in the form of small USB keys or software that you install on your computer. They are called “mouse jigglers” (good French for “mouse shakers”). It allows, as the name suggests, the mouse to move randomly, thus pretending to be present and active in front of the screen. They can be easily found on e-commerce sites for around ten euros. Their popularity has increased thanks to Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

Please note that in France, the employer, through its administrative authorities, has the right to monitor and control the activities of employees during working time, provided that their fundamental rights and personal freedoms are respected. Therefore, it is obliged to inform them if it creates such systems and ensure that their privacy is respected as much as possible. A device that has not previously been brought to its attention cannot collect any information relating to the employee personally. According to a 2021 study, 63% of French companies with more than 500 employees plan or have already adopted this type of tools to increase control over their employees when working remotely. So beware!