
Judith Nwoke visits a renewable energy company, supporters

Renowned business analyst Judith Nwoke, in a bold move to address Nigeria’s energy challenges, especially those affecting small businesses, visited leading renewable energy company, Juststandout Ltd., where she advocated for greater energy access for small business owners in the country .

The visit highlights the key role that sustainable energy solutions play in supporting economic development and improving the quality of life of millions of Nigerians in the SME cycle.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), over 140 million people in Nigeria, representing approximately 71% of the country’s population, do not have access to modern energy services.

This includes electricity, clean kitchen appliances and modern fuels.

Lack of access to energy also has a negative impact on health, education and economic development.

In rural areas, families rely on kerosene lamps for lighting and firewood for cooking, posing health and environmental risks.

The lack of reliable electricity also hinders educational opportunities as students struggle to learn in poorly lit conditions.

For small business owners, inconsistent energy supplies also mean the difference between growth and stagnation, as they are unable to power essential equipment or maintain regular operating hours.

During her visit to the renewable energy company, Nwoke emphasized the importance of sustainable energy solutions in empowering small businesses. She highlighted the potential of renewable energy to provide reliable and affordable energy, which is crucial for the growth and sustainability of small businesses.

“Access to energy is not just a basic need; it is a fundamental driver of economic development,” Nwoke said.

She added: “For small business owners, having reliable energy means increased productivity, better services and greater opportunities for growth. We must support initiatives that aim to deliver sustainable energy solutions to those who need them most.

Nwoke’s work is particularly timely as Nigeria continues to grapple with energy poverty. By working with renewable energy companies, it aims to create development pathways for small businesses, thereby contributing to the country’s broader economic development.

Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydropower have the potential to transform Nigeria’s energy landscape.

These sources are not only sustainable, but also more available and profitable in the long run compared to traditional fossil fuels. By investing in renewable energy infrastructure, Nigeria can reduce its dependence on expensive and polluting energy sources while meeting the energy needs of its population.

Nwoke also took the opportunity of the visit to tour the company’s facilities and engaged with CEO, Ms. Owen Inyang to discuss potential collaborations and strategies to increase energy access for underserved communities.

She was particularly interested in off-grid solar solutions, which have been successfully implemented in several rural areas, providing reliable electricity to homes and businesses.

“Renewable energy is a game changer for many communities in Nigeria,” Nwoke noted.

“It offers a sustainable solution to the energy crisis and has the potential to improve the lives of millions of people. By supporting initiatives related to renewable energy, we can have a significant impact on the economic and social development of our country.

Nwoke also highlighted the broader impact of energy access on health and education. Without reliable power, health care facilities struggle to provide essential services, especially in rural areas. Electricity is crucial for powering medical equipment, storing vaccines and providing adequate lighting during medical procedures.

Similarly, lack of access to energy affects educational outcomes. Schools without electricity cannot use modern teaching tools or provide students with adequate lighting for learning. This creates a significant barrier to learning and limits the potential of young people.

“Access to energy is the cornerstone of development,” Nwoke explained. “It impacts every aspect of life, from health and education to economic opportunity. Providing everyone with access to modern energy services is not only an economic imperative; it is a moral issue.”

Nwoke’s visit to the renewable energy company marks the beginning of what he hopes will be a series of collaborations aimed at increasing energy access across Nigeria. It plans to work closely with renewable energy providers, government agencies and nonprofit organizations to develop and implement strategies that address the energy needs of small business owners and other underserved populations.

“Cooperation is the key to solving the energy crisis in Nigeria,” Nwoke stressed. “By connecting diverse stakeholders, we can develop comprehensive solutions that meet the needs of our communities and drive sustainable development.”

Nwoke’s advocacy efforts are expected to attract significant attention and support as more people recognize the critical role of energy access in driving economic growth and improving quality of life. Her visit to the renewable energy company is a testament to her commitment to driving change and making a positive impact in Nigeria.

As he continues his work, Nwoke is optimistic about the future. “Renewable energy has enormous potential to transform our country,” she concluded. “With the right investments and collaboration, we can ensure that every Nigerian has access to the energy they need to live healthy, productive and fulfilling lives.”