
Hidalgo companies are entering the aviation sector

MEXICO CITY – In order to consolidate the industrial corridor towards AIFA, Hidalgo is working with Mexico City and the State of Mexico not only in the industrial sector, but also in various sectors such as automotive and aerospace.

Carlos Henkel Escorza, head of the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco), indicated that they are also working on urban development plans and other sectors that the Planning and Perspectives Department is working on.

He recalled that President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum’s proposals include making the International Airport of Felipe Ángeles (AIFA) tri-state development pole.

“We have joined several clusters, the automotive cluster, which is adding three entities, and the aerospace cluster, which we are also already starting and started a few days ago,” she commented.

The head of Sedeco pointed out that the automotive sector will undergo significant changes in the area of ​​electromobility, and some of the parts that are necessary today in the car mechanics sector will become obsolete in some time.

Therefore, he said, they are looking for companies in this sector to approach the aviation sector, which is more diversified and broader, and this will allow them to generate more opportunities for their companies.

He also added that the proximity of Felipe Angeles airport, whose activity is increasing day by day, creates an opportunity for expansion for Hidalgo companies.

“Even the airport itself asked us to connect more companies with Hidalgo for the aerospace sector so that we can have more suppliers in this field,” he said.