
Commends Village for permanently banning micro-mobility devices | Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

We would like to commend Mayor Joe Rasco and the members of the Village Council for prioritizing the safety of Village residents by voting to permanently ban the scourge of electronic bikes and scooters from Village streets and sidewalks and for continuing to push for enforcement of this ban on Crandon Blvd.

We were astonished to read the assertion in an Opinion letter of June 20 that “micro-mobility offers a perfect solution to the traffic and parking problems on Key Biscayne.” There is no evidence whatsoever for this assertion. In fact, the past 60 days have demonstrated the enormous improvement to driving, bicycling and walking activities on Key Biscayne as a result of the ban.

No one has commented that traffic and parking problems have worsened over the past 60 days, at least to us.

Allowing children to operate motor vehicles that travel nearly 30 miles an hour is a recipe for another tragedy like the one that occurred on Valentine’s Day. It is not a “perfect solution” to problems caused by adult driving and parking.

Pat Markunas and Tim Van Wey