
Tajikistan partners with FLSmidth to boost mining sector development – Daryo News

Tajikistan partners with FLSmidth to boost the development of the mining sector

The Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Tajikistan has signed a memorandum of cooperation with FLSmidth, a leading global supplier of mining equipment.

This memorandum was formalized during a meeting between Sherali Kabir, Minister of Industry and New Technologies of Tajikistan, and Peter Flanagan, representative of FLSmidth.

Photo: Tajikistan cooperates with FLSmidth
Source: FLSmidth

FLSmidth, headquartered in Denmark, is renowned worldwide for its expertise in providing end-to-end solutions to the mining industry. The memorandum establishes a framework for cooperation between the Government of Tajikistan and FLSmidth, focusing on the exploration and development of Tajikistan’s rich mineral resources.

Tajikistan, characterized by mountainous terrain, is reported to have significant reserves of essential minerals such as lithium, copper, antimony and others. These resources can play a key role in the country’s economic development strategy.

Discussions focused on identifying key areas of partnership in the mining sector. Both sides expressed their commitment to initiating joint projects using the technical capabilities of FLSmidth and the strategic resources of the Government of Tajikistan.

Photo: FLSmidth and Tajikistan form alliance for sustainable minerals extraction
Source: FLSmidth

As part of the memorandum, a Working Group will be established to facilitate the implementation of joint projects and the implementation of the common plan specified in the agreement.

Minister Sherali Kabir emphasized the importance of this cooperation, emphasizing its potential to improve Tajikistan’s mining infrastructure and contribute to Tajikistan’s economic growth trajectory.

The partnership with FLSmidth is expected to bring advanced technologies and expertise that will support sustainable mining practices and optimize mineral extraction in Tajikistan’s diverse geological landscape.

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