
There is no reason to block X as it complies with Indonesian regulations: Ministry

JAKARTA (ANTARA) – The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology said the government found no reason to block X in Indonesia as the social media platform complies with national regulations.

“If (X) has not committed any infringement, (then) on what basis should we block it? There should be a clear reason for this,” the ministry’s Director General of IT Applications, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, noted on Thursday.

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He said the platform operator reaffirmed its commitment to complying with Indonesian laws and provided clarifications to the government on its adult content policy.

A ministry official confirmed that the platform had demonstrated compliance with national regulations and was actively removing violating content from social media.

“We asked them to prove it and it turned out that the (infringing) content had been removed,” Pangerapan noted.

Related news: Indonesian government asks X to comply with regulations on pornographic content

Because X has demonstrated commitment to compliance, the ministry will not block the social media platform or impose any fine on its operator, it said.

Pangerapan also reminded social media users and the general public to be more careful in understanding Policy X’s adult content clauses.

He explained that the social media operator explained that such content should not be displayed or visible in a visible place and should be marked.

In its latest policy update published in late May 2024, X stated that users can share “produced and distributed nudity or consensual adult sexual conduct, provided it is appropriately labeled and not prominently displayed place.”

Company X, acquired in 2022 by business magnate Elon Musk, also said that adult content on its platform will not be available to users under 18 who do not register their date of birth on their X account.

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