
Live streaming ushers in a new era of e-commerce

AliExpress intends to work with influencers in the UK market in the long term, using various collaboration formats such as live broadcasts, content creation, affiliate programs and events.

New connection possibilities

The power of relationships and the importance of building community are not only helpful for shoppers who want to make purchases based on recommendations from people they trust. Live broadcasts are equally an opportunity for engaged influencers to develop their own communities, share knowledge and generate closer contact with their followers.

For influencers, live streaming offers an opportunity to diversify their sources of income. Due to changing social media algorithms and platforms, the importance of generating alternative sources of revenue in the current economic landscape should not be overlooked. This is welcomed by Attwood, who reiterates that the financial needs of influencers are the same as those of any other self-employed person. “Diversification of revenue sources is an important strategy for every entrepreneur. It provides stability and security because it reduces dependence on one source of income,” he says.

In 2022, 65 percent of UK influencers worked full-time, according to Adobe’s Future of Creativity study, a surprising majority considering it is a side hustle for many. Partnering with AliExpress means live streamers receive a commission on every purchase they make, adding to that all-important income flow that paves the way for further ventures. “This allows you to showcase different sides of your personality and interests, which is important to followers,” adds Attwood.

Culture, Community and Commerce

Although streaming is still in its infancy in the UK, its ability to impact culture, build community and enhance commerce makes it a promising area of ​​development.

Influencers and their unique ability to create content that resonates with their audiences means that live streaming can be relevant and culturally relevant to viewers. Influencers are the stars of this generation, and as the lines between shopping and entertainment continue to blur, live streaming is turning commerce into entertainment, bringing in a cultural touchpoint.

Harkening back to a time when shopping was a way to connect with friends, live streaming builds community and a sense of belonging by connecting audiences through a shared interest in fashion. This includes a social element of commerce adapted to modern-era connections.

In a market where 80 percent of the population purchases via e-commerce, finding new ways to enhance the shopping experience – reducing the risk of returns, increasing satisfaction, showcasing different product assortments – is an exciting prospect for both consumers and brands.

Live streaming is breathing new life into the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape. With its unique ability to combine the practical benefits of online shopping with entertainment and connection, it’s time for more brands to take advantage of this opportunity.

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