
New York Allows ‘Sparkling Device’ Fireworks on July 4: What It Means

Traditionally, fireworks are held on the 4th of July. The central Hudson Valley hosts many community events that feature impressive fireworks displays to celebrate the holiday.

If you’re looking to light up the sky in your backyard, remember that New York has specific regulations governing which ones consumers can buy and when they can buy them.

Some local governments ban the sale and use of all types of fireworks, even though most of the state allows the sale and use of “sparking devices.”

No matter how you plan to celebrate this year, be careful when fireworks are involved. According to the U.S. Consumer Product and Safety Commission, 9,700 people were treated in emergency departments for fireworks injuries in 2023, resulting in eight deaths.

What fireworks are legal in New York? Illegal?

The only fireworks that are legal in New York are fizzing devices — ground-based or hand-held devices whose primary effect is sparks.

According to the New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, such devices may produce a colored flame, an audible crackling or whistling sound, and smoke or smoke only. However, they do not become airborne, launch projectiles into the air, or explode.

These may be cylindrical or conical bases that are placed on the ground, or may be in the form of hand-held sparklers such as poppers or snappers.

Although these devices are legal in New York, some municipalities have implemented their own restrictions. In Orange County, particularly in Newburgh and Middletown, the use of soda devices is prohibited within city limits.

Any fireworks that rise into the air, such as Roman candles, firecrackers, bottle rockets, spinners, and aerial devices, are illegal to use in New York without a permit.

When can I buy trinkets?

New York residents 18 years of age or older can purchase sparkling devices from certified regular and specialty retailers from June 1 through July 5 through December 26 through January. 2.

In the mid-Hudson Valley, you can often see tents selling fireworks.

These certified temporary stands can only sell sparkling devices during the state-approved periods of June 20 to July 5 and December 26 to January. 2.

More: Here you can see fireworks celebrating the 4th of July in the central Hudson Valley

Fireworks Safety Reminders

The CPSC reported that 66% of fireworks injuries occurred in the weeks leading up to and immediately after July 4, 2023, and 42% of them were burns. Sparking devices burn at a temperature of about 2,000 degrees.

New York State urges residents to follow the following safety tips when using sparking devices:

  • Always follow the instructions on the packaging.
  • All sparklers are for outdoor use only
  • Wear safety glasses when using sparklers.
  • Light only one cold brilliant candle at a time.
  • Never point a fluorescent light at any part of your body or anyone else’s.
  • When not in use, store sparklers and gadgets in a safe place
  • Never use sparklers while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Keep an approved fire extinguisher nearby during the show
  • Do not attempt to relight or operate non-functional fireworks.
  • To prevent fire, douse broken and used devices with water before disposal.
  • Buy sparklers and novelty devices only from New York State registered sellers