
Key metrics every e-commerce company should track in 2024

When it comes to e-commerce business, the first step of setting up an online store is usually a challenge. It’s almost overwhelming considering how many things there are to consider – from choosing the right products to figuring out payment and shipping methods. However, one of the most important things that every online store owner should know is how exactly their e-commerce metrics work.

As a sales beginner, you will probably be busy selling products to customers. But if you want to grow your business in a sustainable way, it is crucial to set up your main metrics immediately. These are important indicators that help you understand the specifics of your business, as well as set clear improvement goals and assess the effectiveness of the actions taken.

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Understanding e-commerce metrics

E-commerce metrics are therefore quantitative values ​​that are designed to reveal the effectiveness of e-commerce efforts. They include the number of website visitors, sales conversion rate, customer satisfaction, and average order value. When such metrics are closely recorded, an organization gains a clear picture of its online sales business and areas that need improvement.

Metrics are the actual numbers that provide information about these KPIs; for example, website visits or average order value. Both KPIs and metrics are essential tools for assessing various organizational parameters and influencing managerial actions.

Top key metrics for e-commerce

Conversion Rate (CR)

Conversion rate measures how many visitors to your site complete a specific action, such as buying something. It’s an important concept when assessing the effectiveness of your site and marketing strategies in converting visitors into customers. Increasing your conversion rate therefore involves making changes that impact your user experience, products, and the entire checkout process, and cause customers to buy more.

Average order value (AOV)

AOV stands for Average Order Value, which is attributed to the total amount of money spent by customers on each order on your website. This is why it is so important to increase your average order value because you will be generating more revenue without having to acquire more customers. Some strategies that you can use to increase your AOV include upselling, cross-selling, and incentives like discounts.

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Customer lifetime value (CLV)

CLV defines the total amount of sales a customer will make in their lifetime with your company. It also plays a significant role in driving marketing and customer retention processes, emphasizing the importance of customer satisfaction and using principles-based approaches to building long-term relationships with consumers.

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Customer Retention Rate (CRR)

CRR, on the other hand, measures the percentage of your customers who return to your store repeatedly. High retention rates show that customers are happy and loyal; this means fewer resources will be used to get people to buy a product. Improving CRR involves providing high-quality customer service, tailored communication, and regular interaction.

Return on investment (ROI)

ROI measures the return on investments made in marketing campaigns and strategies. It helps e-commerce companies understand the impact of the amount invested in marketing and the company.

Traffic sources

Traffic sources such as organic search, paid advertising, social media, etc. – Researching these sources allows a business to determine where its website visitors are coming from. This concept is the basis of market segmentation and content marketing.

Bounce rate

Bounce rate simply defines the rate at which people visit a website and then immediately leave without viewing other pages on the site. The only way to reduce bounce rates is to make your sites more user-friendly and relevant, and to increase loading speeds; it is also possible to use competent email campaigns.

Quick tips for success in e-commerce business:

  • Focus on customer experience: The design should emphasize easy navigation, transparency of the products and services offered, and simple checkout procedures.
  • Optimize for mobile: Make your site responsive so users can enjoy it on smartphones and tabs.
  • Use data analytics: This means that e-commerce metrics need to be analyzed frequently to understand trends, customer behavior, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Invest in SEO and SEM: Increase your visitors and visibility with proper SEO and SEM.
  • Social media engagement: Instagram, FACEBOOK, PINTEREST, etc. work well for promoting products and engaging customers.
  • Implement email marketing: Rely on email marketing to connect with potential customers, advertise products, and call to action. Email marketing is always considered crucial in customer relationship and sales management as it is in e-commerce. Services like Mailrelay help businesses have better and more interactive tools that make email marketing and campaigns more effective with high delivery rates.
  • Offer flexible payment options: Offer multiple payment options to meet customer needs and thus minimize abandoned carts.
  • Continuous Innovation: Imitate rivals, learn from competitors and acquire new technologies to advance to meet ever-increasing customer demands and remain relevant in the market.


All of these parameters should be measured and followed by any e-commerce company in 2024 that is interested in its growth and stability. Customer behavior patterns, sales funnel performance, and marketing campaign effectiveness allow companies to analyze their online performance and make continuous progress, which can lead to great success in the huge e-commerce market.

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