
The Limitless Pendant is a new AI device you wear that records everything you hear — check it out

  • A new AI gadget attaches to your clothing and records everything you hear throughout the day.

  • The $99 Limitless Pendant became available for pre-order on Monday; will be shipped later this year.

  • It is intended to serve as a memory aid and personal assistant by recalling conversations and taking notes.

There’s a new entry in the growing AI wearable market that records everything you say or hear.

Unveiled Monday, the AI-powered Limitless pendant can be worn as a necklace or attached to clothing with a magnetic clasp. It’s meant to be a memory aid by recording meetings and other conversations throughout the day so you can replay them later.

Pendant can generate transcripts, real-time notes, and summaries of meetings or other conversations.

When the device is recording, an LED light is visible to indicate that it is recording. Of course, the idea of ​​recording may scare some people, but Limitless claims that the “consent mode” should solve any problems.

The pendant uses voice identification to “only capture the voices of people who have consented to be recorded,” Limitless CEO Dan Siroker said in the product. announcement. He said nothing a person says before consenting will be recorded. As soon as he verbally consents, the pendant will start recording what he says. Data from the pendant will be stored securely in the cloud, according to the company.

It’s unclear what happens if more people join a conversation the device has already started recording, or if the pendant picks up any stray voices that might be audible in the background of the conversation; BI reached out to Limitless to ask for more information, but it did not immediately respond.

In addition, some states have different laws regarding call recording—in some states, all parties must consent to the recording; in other states, only one party needs to know the call is being recorded. It is unclear whether or how these laws would apply to this device.

eight AI Limitless charms in different colors that you can attach to your clothing and record what you hear throughout the dayeight Limitless AI pendants in different colors that can be attached to your clothing and that record what you hear throughout the day

The Limitless pendant is available in eight colors.Boundless

The pendant comes in eight colors and costs $99. It’s available for pre-order now on, with the first units expected to ship in August.

You can use the pendant on its own and get unlimited audio storage and 10 hours per month of AI features, including audio transcriptions, notes and meeting summaries. For $20 per month you get unlimited audio storage and unlimited AI functionality.

The gadget supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, charges via USB-C, and Limitless claims that its battery lasts for 100 hours of operation.

Some other AI merchandise, such as Humane’s AI pin, has drawn criticism from reviewers. Reviewers will certainly be keeping an eye on developments when the Limitless Pendant hits the market.

Read the original article on Business Insider