
POC identified for CVE-2024-34102 in Magento/Adobe Commerce

RHC Dark Lab: June 29, 2024 19:42

Recently, a proof of concept (POC) was discovered on the Internet for a vulnerability identified as CVE-2024-34102 that affects the Magento and Adobe Commerce e-commerce platforms. This vulnerability, discovered by security experts at Assetnote, poses a serious threat because it allows unauthenticated XML entity injection attacks.

Description of the vulnerability

CVE-2024-34102 is an XML entity injection vulnerability that can be exploited before the authentication phase, making it particularly dangerous. E-commerce platforms such as Magento and Adobe Commerce are widely used to manage online stores, and a flaw of this type can expose a lot of confidential data and compromise the security of the servers involved.

Technical details

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The attack exploits the ability of the XML parsing system to process external entities, allowing the attacker to trick the server into reading local files or sending requests to other network resources. In this particular case, the POC attempts to read files from target servers that are vulnerable to the CVE-2024-34102 attack. This type of attack can lead to the disclosure of sensitive data, including configuration files, access keys, and other critical information, which can further compromise the security of the system.

Security implications

The impact of this gap is significant. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could:

  1. Access confidential files on a vulnerable server.
  2. Collect the most important information that can be used for further attacks.
  3. Breach of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data managed by the e-commerce system.
  4. Make lateral moves within the corporate network, increasing the risk of broader compromises.

Mitigating measures

To mitigate the risks associated with this vulnerability, the following measures must be taken:

  1. System updates: Ensure all Magento and Adobe Commerce installations are updated with the latest security patches released by their respective vendors.
  2. Secure XML parser configuration: Disable external entity recognition in the XML parser used by the system.
  3. Log monitoring: Implement a log monitoring system to detect suspicious activity that may indicate attempts to exploit a vulnerability.
  4. Server isolation: Isolate production servers to limit the potential impact of a security breach.


The POC discovery of the CVE-2024-34102 vulnerability once again highlights the importance of security on e-commerce platforms. System administrators must proactively apply security patches and properly configure their environments to prevent such attacks. Collaboration with security experts and continuous training of personnel responsible for system management can significantly contribute to reducing the risks associated with these threats.

In conclusion, as technologies continue to evolve, security vulnerabilities remain a constant challenge. The IT community must remain vigilant and responsive to protect digital assets and maintain user trust.

RHC Dark Lab
RHC Dark Lab is a group of experts from the Red Hot Cyber ​​​​community dedicated to cyber threat analysis, led by Pietro Melillo. Their mission is to spread knowledge about cyber threats in order to improve national awareness and digital security, involving not only specialists in the field but also ordinary people. The goal is to disseminate the concept of cyber threat analysis to predict threats.