
Bord Gais chief develops green energy transition strategy

FFive minutes into our conversation at Bord Gais Energy’s headquarters in Dublin city centre, Dave Kirwan, the company’s managing director, apologises. He’s just used the word “megawatts”, but tech jargon and acronyms are not his thing.

“I’m a big believer in plain English. People still come into this room and throw acronyms at me. I say, ‘I’ve been in the energy industry for 32 years and I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ So let’s keep it simple because our customers need to understand it.”

Kirwan prefers to talk about transformation; not only about Ireland’s transformation to greener energy, but also Bord Gais Energy’s transformation to providing green energy. As he says, he was entrusted with the task of “transforming the business”.

“We looked at this business