
Electric car insurance still benefits from the regulations applicable to conventional cars. Will there be differences?

JAKARTA – The development of electric cars in Indonesia is becoming increasingly positive, as evidenced by the introduction of many new brands to the market.

Of course, talking about electric cars also involves insurance, it turns out that in Indonesia, electric car insurance is still the same as conventional cars. As revealed by the head of PR, Marcomm, & Astra Insurance Event, Laurentius Iwan Pranoto.

“It’s still the same as conventional, all kinds of reporting,” he said during a press event with the Automotive Journalists Forum (Forwot) in the Jakarta area on Friday evening, June 28.

He added that the amount of premium paid to a person also depends on the convention adopted, e.g. whether the vehicle is used for private or commercial purposes, and is also set depending on the region.

The man, nicknamed Iwan, revealed that currently in Indonesia there is no difference between electric and conventional car insurance; the matter is still under investigation, as is the case with the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

“We are currently investigating whether this is otherwise. “I also say that it is not easy because Indonesia is still new (electric car development), but there are some things that need to be taken into account because we see that the risks are different,” he added.

He added, however, that Garda Oto is currently insured for various brands of electric cars and the company’s development will follow the market.

“Insurance is a supporting industry, so if there is growth in electric cars, we will also have growth,” he explained.

Unfortunately, he did not provide more details on how many electric cars are already insured and how many units are covered by insurance.

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